Posted by jeremy on March 1, 2011 9:55 pm.
You can still contribute comments via email. Please see the original post for details.
The video footage I used in the screenshots below is available at TV World Wide. Session 10 covers the public comments (direct link - backup copy on Vimeo), and session 9 is the round table.
The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues hosted a series of presentations this week, exploring ethical issues in neuroimaging and neuroscience experimentation. They got a little more than they bargained for.
The commission members knew something was up. Due to an ‘enormous’ number of people registering to make public comments, commenters were warned in advance they would be restricted to comments 90 seconds in length, during a special comment period shortly before the conclusion of the conference on Tuesday.
Irony thick enough to cut with a knife

In the last round table segment before the final comment period, experimentation in Guatemala six decades ago (in which test subjects were involuntarily infected with syphillis1), was brought up. The commission head, Dr. Amy Gutmann, asked pointedly what steps had been taken to prevent that kind of experimentation from happening again, and if not, why not? Some round table participants acknowledged that sort of thing could be happening today.
Just fifteen minutes later, dozens of audience members were applauding as one involuntary human experimentee after another testified about their experiences with MKULTRA-style experimentation in the present day.

There were several reporters present, even during the public comments session - but so far, there’s no coverage of the comments, positive or negative!
Ken Rhoades was a major catalyst in the proceedings, bringing the bioethics commission to the attention of many. He funded several attendees’ trips (including mine). Thanks, Ken!
The testimony was qualitatively different from the usual chatter on the conference calls. It was much better.
Everyone involved found this an energizing - even electrifying - event.
There is the matter of bringing these proceedings to the right peoples’ attention - that’s a project in itself. However, we’re getting close to making the disconnect between expressed concern for experimentees, and the actual treatment of experimentees in the present day, very embarrassing for people in high places.
- ^ "U.S. Apologizes for Syphilis Tests in Guatemala"; New York Times, October 2010.
Is it just me or are others not managing to get the videos playing?
The pictures above aren’t videos - they’re screenshots taken from the videos, which are linked from the Bioethics video archives of this event, here:
A world wide Dachua (concentration camp) without a fence! The effect will be on the backs of our children even as it is now. They suffer also.
I can’t play the videos either …but iam going to submit my email I just written out what I’m sending :) ya!
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who made the trip and stood up to be heard. Courage is contagious! : )
Last night after getting home from work, I watched the 1-hr flash vid at the bioethics Web site. Even though the overall situation is just unthinkable, I am soooooo proud of everyone who compellingly spoke about what is already in currently happening. To see the Commissioners’ eyes grow wider with every speaker, Wow. Yep, methinks this little sprig of awareness might have been more than they expected. But zooming out a bit, I also think there are those further up the pipeline who know this is happening and had enough conscience to provide an intake valve to see just how bad it is (even if the gatekeepers for that entryway were somewhat visibly taken aback).
I appreciate, too, the point made, that for every one person who was able to attend, it would be accurate for the Commission to consider those individuals to be representative of hundreds, if not thousands, more. And that given this revelation, the Commission could probably even proceed as though the criteria (percentage of population affected) had been met to suggest that an “epidemic” were underfoot. That was just brilliant!
J, thank you for the formatting & presentation of video content in this post, it does make it so much more accessible to everyone. And btw, your quote about what may be considered most scandalous after all is said in done rang ever so true.
Finally, a good for us moment.
Bravo!! Please keep us posted. Excellent that it was recommended that we have a TI, at least one, preferably two, on that committee.
Still can’t believe I did that :) But it goes down in history for me as the best thing I’ve done next to child birth. I’m very nervous about speaking in public when there are camera’s involved, but I did it and that is one small step for Tam. I think that it can only get easier to do going forward. I kept in mind the entire time that we would be facing the enemy while we were in DC, but also trying to keep hope alive.
The parts of February 28th meeting that spoke to me the most were when Dr. Bruce Green said that currently they are able to conduct tests on humans without their cooperation. I learned that day that if you have a question during the question answer period that you should approach the microphone and stay put until you ask the question.
Another thing that spoke to me during that days meeting was Martha Farah speaking about voodoo statistics, that is something I intend to look much further into.
The final things that really blew my mind was Lawrence Corey, MD talking about the use of street theater and another shocking remark from one of the Ph.D.’s about redifing the words freedom and equality. I really couldn’t believe my ears. There was also talk of the dehumanization of people.
One of the Ph.D.’s quoted Albert Schweitzer “We must not allow our technology to exceed our humanity.” I couldn’t agree more. What do you think the chances are of unethical researchers behaving that way, and even worse what are the chances that these monsters will be held accountable for their criminal behavior. It’s almost as though as long as you are wealthy and have those letters after your name, you are allowed to get away with murder.
March 1st was an impressive meeting, the speakers were compelling and we all learned a lot, I suggest watching both days of the commission completely and have a note pad ready. I will be going over the archive again myself and making note of everything that speaks to the comminuty of non con test subjects (there was plenty stated that spoke to me).
The best part of March 1st was when those of us who were able to travel to meeting stood and spoke to the commission. My favorite parts were Peters question to the commission and that he forced an answer. The next time we do this we need to ask A LOT more questions. Let’s hold these people responsible for what they’re doing. Miriams speech was great and exactly what I expected from her, she is a strong person, I loved what she had to say. Jeremy said it all and that was remarkable too, but no surprise to me either. Everyone did awesome and it was great meeting everyone, can’t wait to meet more. I started crying nearly 10 times before I stood to speak, and had to recompose so I didn’t lose it during my 90 seconds, which was no small order.
I kept thinking about my children and how I could possibly incorporate them into what I planned to say, although that was a tall order because we had to hone our presentations down so much as the meeting drew near. Mine started at 4 minutes 20 seconds, then shrunk to 3 minutes and finally was forced down to 90 seconds. I am not going to complain to much about that fact however, because that only happened because of the impressive ammount of victims who actually showed up to the meeting. It was spectacular.
This was only our first attempt, there’s no guarantee that they’ll discuss our issues again, but they’ll have to do some fancy fast talking in order to avoid going there, this is why they are meeting, so they will have to continue discussing these issues and they’ll have to allow public comment again. Next time we’ll know what to expect and we’ll be much better prepared!
Kuddo’s, props, high 5’s, hugs and yahoo’s to everyone who made it and to everyone who didn’t make it but was there in heart and spirit supporthing us.
I would like to know where I can find the testimony given by the victims?
I watched the videos provided in the link but there was nothing there pertaining to the victims of electronic harassment and the photos above. Nor was I able to catch it on C-SPAN.
Did I miss something?
By popular demand, I’ve added a direct link to the testimony at the top of the article. Here it is:
I feel you found your purpose in life. You wipe out my tears, gave me a little hope to my heart and strength to my mind, though we still have a long way to go. It feels like dream to see this day and I don’t have enough words to express my appreciation for you. We may not have the evidence needed to show to the world as black and white, but we hold the truth. Our request is the right to lead a normal life like any other person and justice to what they already have done to us. May my lord be with you and bless your house. I will reach you soon.
Thank you Jeremy for providing the direct link to Public Comment section of the hearings; in addition to, all of your hard work.
Thank you!
Congratulations to all the TI’s that spoke at the conference. I am sure that was a little unnerving to do but you all did a good job which made the video compelling to watch. You all had the moral courage to expose these crimes perpetrated against all of us and I thank you for that. Good job!
I am proud of those who went before the bioethics committee, the testimonies were poignant and to the point basically.
Ground breaking as this is it’s the first time I presented the nature of this committee to my co-workers and friends, some were
curious and some obviously ashamed by the look on their faces (perps).
Tammy made a key point in the toxic nature of prescribed psychotropic drugs and misdiagnosis; me and possibly my sister
have been subjects of foul psychiatry which almost resulted in the loss of my career and the quality of life for my sister as well.
Also Jeremy made a good point about whose fingerprints were on the tracking technology and the subtle nature in which this
is carried out.
I am more determined now to discover loopholes in this technology and exploit it’s weaknesses.
I say bravo!.
1 comment
I first learned of the bioethics commission from Norman Rabin. He encouraged us to become involved.
The courage of the people who went to this commission is to be commended. The History made was compelling as well as that it cannot be erased as it was recorded and it cannot be taken away as more than 20 people spoke.
Looking forward to May.
THE NEXT BIOETHICS COMMISSION MEETING: I really hope that all targets will review the entire meeting archive (both days) & make a list of questions. Peter Rosenholm showed us that we are there to demand answers, not to give our testimonies. Next time we go let’s have a list of very good questions to demand of the people who can make a difference. It’s our job to force their hand. Anyone who can make it to the meeting needs to be able to pose questions and demand answers. If as a group we can compose that list, we can send it with ANYBODY who makes it to commission meetings.
Please watch the ENTIRE archive (ALL SESSIONS) from the link below, TAKE NOTES, come up with questions for the commission.
I hope that every test subject of nonconsentual experimentation will go over this material, it is very telling to people in our position.
Also, don’t forget that at any time we can e-mail the commission or mail them evidence or testimony. This needs to happen in a credible way and a way that goes along with their agenda and what they are investigating. Studying the entire meeting will give you a full education on what is happening for us through the commission, if we can make that happen. IT’S UP TO US!
Have a DEW free day!
20 people!!!…awesome!!! Great review Tam! Keep feeling free to share as those who were rooting for you would still be interested in your follow-up thoughts. I may have inadvertently created a ‘cause’ when I shared this page on Facebook.
Wow! So proud of everyone that made the trip and got up to testify. Wish I could have been there. Also, don’t be surprised if a film script isn’t started addressing these issues, but beware, it will have a spin that AGAIN let’s the power behind these atrocities off the hook. Tam,way to go. In regards to a script, it’s interesting because I know of a new project from ABC that deals with identity thef, with overtones of T.I. stuff. Of course, these projects always have an alternative plan to them and seldom tell the real truth or hold the Gang-stas behind it responsible.
I am a little reluctant to get too excited about the powers that be to do anything at this point. However, if we get this out, to as many different news sources, then we have some control over it and it doesn’t just fade away. sorry, but I think the work begins NOW
For at least 12 years I believed I was alone!! Crazy.
Peter brought up a couple of issues.
They got a few names wrong (including mine). Statements from people they don’t want to investigate might just get dropped on the floor. “Gee, this guy’s testimony was pretty convincing, but we can’t find a file on anyone by the name of Peter Rose.”
Also, submitting mounds of testimony really doesn’t help matters unless you have proof of what’s happened to you (and just about nobody does). I know many people want to turn in their copies of various newspaper articles on these subjects. But burying them under tons of redundant documents will slow their investigation, at best. All they really need is your name and a brief statement of your grievances.
Peter thinks people who testified should make sure their correct names, phone numbers, and email addresses got through.
I appreciated the point about it being difficult, as individuals, to prove what’s happening to us, that we need an investigation. I do not know how the press works, but maybe a brief write-up sent to different news organizations?
Dr. John Hall gave another interview on Coast to Coast am this morning (March 3, 2011). He said there had been no media coverage of TI testimony during the Commission conference, so there is no wider public recognition of this hidden phenomenon.
Today, as I was listening to a prerecorded college radio show on WNYU called “Mess Around”, the DJ took a short news break to quickly announce that the Commission had held a discussion on the Guatemala experiments. That was all that was mentioned on Bioethical concerns. The Informed Consent issue was never brought up.
What is necessary next time (is it May, then?) is to ensure media coverage. This is going to ratchet-up the stakes a bit and help to stop the uniform discrediting of TI’s. For all people preparing for this next round, please make sure to include at least some form of media coverage whether from a large media source or a small regional paper mandatory.
I was empowered by watching the video. I still have not yet found the right support group, as I encountered a bad experience in one of the FFCHS conference calls. Perhaps someone has a recommendation for a good group and day of week. Thanks! And keep up the good work. The hundreds or thousands of people unable to speak are cheering you on and counting on the work you do now.
Perhaps one person can send a letter that says ‘thank you’ for opening up a slot for the 20 people who were able to attend the meeting. Then list the names and other pertinent info.
from my perspective:
1. This all came to be because of the hard work of all the TI’s to sustain themselves and their loved ones while continuing to do battle with this ‘issue.’ Many have succumb or were rubbed out.
2. Most importantly, the ‘war’ has been a psychological one from the beginning. we are battling people who have great need to control & manipulate others. They are incapable of handling life in any other way because they have developmental disorder where they can’t bring together perception and form sound judgment. They are excellent, though, at seeming to be absolute authorities. This is known as ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’ . they can only manage their internal chaos by projecting it outward and ‘trying’ to dewal with it there. It never works. They create only more hardship & chaos. [As we know…oh, do we.]
3. Therefore if we get some relief on just this particular form of experimentation , the people with the disorder who create the gangs, mobs, governments, etc. to dysfunctionally help them ‘act out’, it does not stop the disorder from finding other means. we have to address the power that they pathologically have to grab to function.
4. They will not make this easy for us. They cannot to anything other than what they already do- manipulate, twist reality, and attack. It is a mental illness. THEY will do anything and everything toavoid being wrong. This disorder is a form of ‘hysteria’ (the parts of the personality falls apart and creates panic). THEY would even start a world war to distract and evade. So be prepared we still have a battle to be won.
I feel elated that we have taken back our power, but in days ahead we must be as assertive and protective of ourselves as ever. THEY are going to get hysterical and do rash things. So be prepared because THEY can never back down. Only pretend to back down to get you off your guard.
In nature no being has the luxury of being unwary and off-guard. It should never have been for humans either. It is the disordered narcissist that grabbed hold of society and made it seem impolite to not be a patsy. So lets make sure they no longer have the say about what society is.
My studied opinion based on an upbringing by disordered ‘perps’.
I agree and also besides some kind of narcissistic thing there must be fear of getting caught and/or vengeance. I think these peoples’ names and pictures would be in newspapers around the world and in history books, like Hitler’s. I think their children would be ashamed of them. Think of the worldwide paranoia and fear. The longer we wait the more severe it will be.
Definitely. Narcissists are very defensive in their behavior and completely fixated on self-protection. But this could the form of being unnaturally charming and disarming, so they can prey on and manipulate people. I think everyone has had an experience with this type of disordered person.They can be completely irresistable until they bash you or someone in the group to scare everyone into submission to their will. I don’t mean to be off topic. But, in the ‘art of war’ it is very important to know your enemy. Our enemy is this disorder and in every person in whom it exists. IMHO
I agree that probably a lot of those involved exhibit aberrent behavioral characteristics, but I think to understand WHY so many people go along with ‘diabolical’ widespread plots like this, which I equate with the holocaust & slavery–is i think more complex. Most people are followers and if someone that they perceive as having “authority” tells them to do something, unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, they WILL do it. Especially if it’s framed in a way to make them feel as if they are helping out or aiding said “authority”. I also think that mainstream media is USELESS and completely ignores this issue b/c they know its pandora’s box and the ones who may be inclined to explore it are probably visited “subliminally” by the same people who visit some of us. I am a victim of v2k so I know of what I speak. But I predict that this will be a major story this summer and will lead to congressional hearings. Evil has an expiration date, and God knows this one has gone on long beyond that. It’s just amazing to me how evil, diabolical and duplicitous the US govt can be. On the one hand they project themselves as the arbiters of justice and on the other they commit crimes against humanity that would make Lucifer blush. And then we have the fact that MOST americans do NOT want to believe that their govt could do this to people and that THEY could be next. I dont know HOW we convey the sense of urgency to people. WE are the sample guinea pigs BUT once they have perfected this insidious plan–EVERYBODY will be affected. WE need to get that point across somehow.
I thought after watching this,I am not a lone. Bless all of you that spoke and went for so many of us that could not. I was shocked to hear details that I heard, I’ve lived that. As so many spoke the tears came up many times, I understood their pain. If you have lived this you understand it.Now some gave sites to reach them, I must go and thank them. Al
if you google ‘Bioethics Commission’ you can see that several media sources have covered that there was ameeting based on unvoluntary experiments from the past. As first I felt that the articles were amiss because they left out the part of 20 citizens showing up to say their piece. Then I relaized, from my own experience with sending out press releases, often articles are written entirely based on the information provided in the press release that went out befor ethe event.
So, what is necessary now is to quickly get information into the hands of those same media sources with a press release from the TI’s to provide them with info about our purpose in going to the Bioethics Commission. This should include a proactive aspect and state what we want to accomplish. that these publications and other media outlets chose to report at all on the Bioethics Commission is an excellent intro to our sending them additional info in another press release. Press Releases should also include follow up thank yous to the reporters who do cover what we’ve sent. Then it is more likely that those outlets &/or reporters will cover future press releases i.e before the next Bioethics Commission meeting in May.
So in addition to WNYC there is also: (taken from google)
Stemming From 1940s Sexually Transmitted Disease Experiments In…
Dr. Amy Gutmann, Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, has announced the formation of an International Research Panel to consider the standards… ‘Medical News Today’
· 14 hours ago Bioethics panel to tackle U.S. history of human experiments- ‘Houston Chronicle’
-Bioethics Panel Told No Guarantee Against Unethical Research ‘’
Here’s another article
I’m wondering, if you Jeremy, the writer and because you were at the meeting could write something brief about the public comment part of the meeting and what the TI’s said? Also, what do we want? We have to be proactive and state what it is we want.
1. We want our human rights
2. We want to not live as prisoners, criminals or mentally ill people which is what they’ve contrived for us (because they are projecting their inner illness onto us).
I want to send this in to the radio station so that it’s not just up for them to interpret when they see the video. Anyway, a synopsis is going to entice them to view the video. It’s not like they have loads of time to look at everything in depth.
I think the really big thing here is the testimony which is on record at the bioethics site and is not going to go away. I’m still digesting what that’s going to imply for the future. We have to come to terms with whatever tactical errors were made.
Going by the responses on a psychology thread about these proceedings, the skeptics have a very loud voice and will shout down sympathizers/lab rats. The favorable responses are obviously from sympathizers directed there from the /r/conspiracy thread. We can’t “bus in” enough sympathizers to drown out the skeptics.
(Activities like engaging with skeptics are still useful because of how you get to map out the opposition’s battle lines. But you can’t win them over.)
My time is limited and my regulars are here for analysis and understanding. My view is that public relations should flow naturally out of situational awareness and knowledge - PR shouldn’t be a manufactured product or deliberate propagandizing. Lies and spin are luxuries we can’t afford.
Quote-“PR shouldn’t be a manufactured product or deliberate propagandizing. Lies and spin are luxuries we can’t afford.”
But, this *is* the game *they* play, day in, day out.
Yep, obviously when I’m speaking of what PR should be, I mean what our PR should be. They have effectively unlimited resources to throw at their lies.
Overall, having testimony did more good than not. We got a foot in the door and we’re not about to retreat anytime soon. Yet I’m curious, and to put in lessons learned file for future ref (May session, for example), what, in your view, were tack errors coming out of the event? (If you feel like you can say w/o bolstering oppo - nonetheless, feedback will improve our presence & TPMs.
Agreed re: engaging oppo for purpose of mapping battle lines
Agreed that all we need to do is tell the truth. We don’t need any spin. Our challenge is that our message is also fraught with disbelief that our country would allow this kind of thing, pain from torture and the other effects of someone trying to neutralize you as a human being & active citizen. Those are still talking points that should be included in the memo, right along with the other points we made about being target practice.
BTW, I listened to HRC speaking to the UN about countries like Libya firing on its own citizens. I wanted to forward to her a link to the commission testimony.
i have been commenting w/o having seen the video archive of the Bioethics Meeting. Finally had the opportunity last night (Couldn’t wait to see it!) Now I see for myself how well it went. It seems that the people who spoke managed to cover a tremendous amount.
I do believe in PR. Now that I have viewed the video I can speak and present it from my own perspective. Sorry, Jeremy, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. Your writing here is so very much needed and appreciated.
No one should lose sight though that this is a war. We are at war, we are under seige and those people are unrelenting. To think that our goal is ‘… win them over’ would be fruitless. As you said, we can’t. We are fighting a human condition that flows from a specific psychological disorder. It has manifested into the form we’ve been experiencing in this time and place. As we know, it is manifesting in different forms of ‘genocide’ in different parts of the planet.
This said we are all working this through brilliantly. But, we have to make no mistake that our enemy is ruthless, unrelenting and is well ahead of us at reorganizing and morphing into anything they have to be to keep their psyches intact. I believe that it isn’t meant to be that they will have the final say.
I am wondering though, J., is someone going to send a letter to the Commission and the President as follow-up, to acknowledge ‘our’ being there? i think that follow through is important. i will write and send it, if necessary. We have to be even more assertive as taxpayers, citizensd , adults etc. who have been tortured in our own homes and our country and say that this and we will be sitting on them until they take action.. This, as we know, is not a minor discomfort that can wait. We’ve needed out years ago. We’ve needed for this to never have happened and for us to tolerate even another minute of it is egregious and on their heads, now!!
I want to thank everyone who went and spoke,in Washington, and for posting it so those who could not go could see it! The testemonies were powerful,sincere,and shows what a desperate situation we have endured. I hope for change, through legislation. I dont know if there is any cause and effect relating to the hearings, but things have gone nuts around here, with increased use and intensity of energy weapons,along with the regular tactics. No break, no sleep. I hope that this will bring about a change, public outcry, and put an end to non consensual experimentation.
We should all be leaving comments for these reporters to review. This will be mine:
I have to question why the media is not reporting about the 20 victims of current unethical research projects who were in attendance and spoke during session 10 of the meeting on March 1, 2011. Is there any valid reason for this omission? We deserve to be heard and we deserve to be vindicated for the hell we’ve been put through by criminals in these fields. The people conducting research on humans today without their consent do not even get a slap on the wrist. They should be prosecuted and held to account for the hideous things they are doing to other human beings.
Tam, I’ve been trying to spread the word that targets should not get into condemning reporters for ‘not’ having reported about the Public Comment session. The reporters likely wrote articles based on the press release sent prior to the Bioethics Meetings, and may not have stayed for session 10. It is far better to just get the info in their hands and show them what happened additionally at the Bioethics Meeting. Proactive, not reactive and defensive.
Honestly, I have been thinking that TI’s are their own worst enemy. I would personally like to kick in the butt any TI who wrote to a publication that has covered the Bioethics meeting with some derogatory remarks, instead of appreciation for the fact that this issue is being raised, and offering more info ‘straight from the horses mouth’- that is the TI’s own experiences.
I think this is good advice. Maybe the best follow-up would be “Amy Gutman, thankyou for exploring these issues. Our community has high hopes this commission will be able to look into…” etc.
The commission was set up at Pres. Obama’s request, so maybe the note should be to him and Amy Gutman. We could also be liberal with our copies sent to (cc’s). Maybe McCain or other legislators and possible allies: Cheryl Welsh, Nick Begich (he spoke to European Parliament). If you wrote it, it wouldn’t have to be long, we all could look it over on this site and add our signatures as concerned citizens, if not TI’s.
This would set us up well for May. We could voice our concern for the future of personal autonomy–this should be exactly one of the concerns of the commission, also pushing for legisation in all 50 states against EM weapons.
I’d write it. Something brief would be best. I don’t want to do so, out of line with our community though. Do I speak for all who attended the Bioethics meeting? Also there was the comment that they didn’t get people’s names straight. So I thought the letter could include each person’s name who spoke. I guess also the names of all who attended. That may irk some people, though. i.e. FFCHS may want to speak on their own behalf. How do we do this…?
Also, I had asked that they send me a confirmation of my e-mailed case summary. But, I didn’t receive it. So I may send a return receipt requested letter. I don’t think a thank you from the attendees should go in with that letter, though.
Yes, we need to get agreement. Or as concerned citizens, maybe just some of us could get together and write. Would this be OK with everyone? We could still post it and see what people think. I think it would be good to keep the attention on our concern: simple, short, like a follow-up for an job interview.
Of course, we need to prepare for May the way Tam suggests too (watch the videos and write responses.)
I agree on both remarks Roxanne. Does anyone have the list of names of people who attended the Bioethics meeting? That’s to make sure they have all the names correct. Thinking about this though, it seems that the letter should come from one of the people who was actually there.
Not to prolong this though. Better to get something in. But be proactive list our needs.
How in American can anyone in authority sit and let citizens be tortured and have their lives ruined? I had an assassination attempt made on me two nights ago!!! Someone put 14 more lbs of air in my trailer tire than is normal. The other tire had the right air pressure. But, I can’t go to the police!! This is friggin’ idiotic!!!
Nice job expose the corrupt Cops and FBI perps, One guy said he was being harassed by fire trucks every time he left the house.
Pretty soon the everybody in the U.S and the world will know about this, the billboards are a big part of it, all we need is a few billboards
in every state. They will have to have laws in every state banning all these weapons. Coming soon.
I hear what you’re saying D. and Jack, and I think it’s valid, but I also am quite sick (in my own life) of watching these thugs just do whatever they want and getting away with it. It is sickening to be tortured for so long and the monsters inflicting it just go on about their lives as if they’re doing nothing wrong. They have to be held accountable. I want justice and I don’t believe I’ll ever see that if I do not make an attempt at getting the word out there. Possible if somebody sees that post in the comments section of the articles, they will view session 10 on their own and start spreading the word.
Wouldn’t it be great too if John & Mary Public put down their joysticks, turn off their televisions, shut off facebook and start getting active and making sure that they leave this world a safe and better place for the next generation. I just do not want to shut up, so I wont. As long as we allow it, it will never change.
I agree with you. Don’t mean to offend anyone but the people who have conceived of, implemented and executed these nazi-like pogroms ARE SEEEKING OUR DEATHS or destruction! They DIDNT ASK my permission or consent to transmit 24 hr non stop v2k to my brain and they have NO intention of stopping UNLESS FORCED to do so, SO forgive me if I don’t f%%%kin feel like I NEED to be polite about being involuntarily tortured as a law-abiding citizen of this so-called democracy! The people in Wisconsin aren’t being nice about having their damn collective bargaining rights taken away so WHY do we feel the need to be polite about weapons that ARE killing us WITHOUT CAUSE! THEY are the criminals and I refuse to suffer in silence so if people think me impolite, damn them! I won’t apologize. When someone has you in a death-hold, you don’t say excuse me can you loosen your grip, you say, do ANYTHING you have to do to get that mutha-sucka off you! The govt BROUGHT WAR to US, not the other way around!
I find that people stop listening when fingers point to someone else and away from a person’a personal experience. Saying what you’ve been experiencing and how it affects you is far more trustworthy information that people can hear. Of course, it is useful to give a context i.e when Jeremy said that what we’ve been experiencing has CIA written all over it. That is a very different way of presenting the info however. Many of us know who has participated in harming us. It eats at me everyday to know and not ‘know’ how to address this. Send them postcards… i.e. I know that you came into my home and destroyed my belongings and annihilated my pets?
Really, when it comes to ‘talking’ to people who are so lame that they would participate and do these things, it seems like a waste of breath. They obviously have no personal integrity or self awareness. You’d get a more fervent response from an insect. Flies are much smarter than these people.
At least something is getting done now, we might have investigations from the comission, which can bring laws and bans on these weapons.
5 ago years their was nothing, FFCHS has 10 billboards in california and are supposed to rotate and move them to other states, That is
the best thing their is, pretty soon you will see many more Walberts winning these cases and ending all this crap.
Corrupt government will be forced to end their crimes.
We can’t afford to look at things that way D. I’m sorry, I understand your passionate disdain for your attackers, I and every other person in these programs have felt it at one time or another. I too know EXACTLY who has committed these crimes and I want justice! We all do. Let’s not allow the scum bags to force us to lose focus. They’ll make our lives hell (NO DOUBT ABOUT IT)! We can not allow that to detour us from our end game. Let’s expose what’s happening, let’s refuse to submit and face our enemy head on!
Getting back to this point, Tam, just to clarify. When I wrote above ‘Really, when it comes to ‘talking’ to people who are so lame that they would participate and do these things, it seems like a waste of breath. They obviously have no personal integrity or self awareness. You’d get a more fervent response from an insect. Flies are much smarter than these people.’ What I am talking about here is that the people who are the genesis of this problem are emotionally deaf. They cannot hear us or respond to our needs or well being. They are disordered. We cannot change them. It won’t happen. I know this from knowing these types of people personally. Our tactics have to be directed to those that can hear us. I hope this distinction makes sense. We are fighting a mental disorder. It’s called “Narcissistic Personality Disorder’.
It’s noticable that a lot of the people who participate seem well adjusted, and are professionals, yet are willing to do what is necessary to complete the goals in gangstalking. What compels them? Is it money, fear, or they all imoral sociopaths? Do they size up each participant, and find their weakness? No one deserves this, and no one is immune to becomming a target. When society as a whole will no longer tolerate this, we will see changes. Every effort to getting the word out, in the media, and with billboards, is the first step. May’s bio-ethics commision will be another tool in affecting change.
sorry for my english, i’m from israel
Is it just my case or have you noticed they are imlpying there’s a bigger picture to all of this?
do you guys get “skits” and riddles involving your harrasment on web advertisements ( street signs, bilboards, signs on vehicles, numeric coinsidences )?
I’m still having a hard time understanding a few things i’d like to discuss with you here
talking about the basics of covert harrasment, do you get to see almost every vehicle on your block or on the highway with only one of the rearlights on ( this is probably used for signaling ) ?
there’s a site called spy & counterspy, they reviwed some of the tactics FBI ( shin-beth in israel ) use to surveill their suspects, it’s alot like organized harrasment
I also wanted to talk about my case specifically:
I live in israel in a place called Kfar-yona where the harrasment takes place in, I traveled to Ukraine on september and the harrasment followed me there, when I got back from ukraine at the ben-guryon airport, stepping out I saw people crouding around most of them with sunglasses ( I’m sure this doesn’t sound unusual, but it is only because my lack of ability to explain it to you ), it made me feel awkward but I try not to pay attention to these stuff since I know it is meant to install fear and anxiety from whatever it is that’s happening
my harrasment is somewhat unusual in a way, when I was in ukraine ( uman, a jewish religious “festival” ) amazingly people crouded me on my way to the appartment, laughed, clapped and shouted from the windows of the upper floors, when people saw me they started spitting on the floor, when I got back to the apartment after having seen not once not twice but close to two hundred different orthodox jewish men which were spread around ( yes, even people that I know and got in touch with before the harrasment ), cursing, clapping, laughing, spitting, behaving like i’m an outcast, making me feel worse ( this was intentional and aimed towards me as part of the harrasment, I just can’t express myself in a way you would understand that it is ) .. I felt like jesus being led to his death ( some implied I’m a reincarnation of jesus, without me attempting to imitate or follow him in any way )
alot of stuff happened since then, Ive decided to stay at home and I’d rather not go out
I wanted to ask if I should trust anyone deliberately trying to sabotage my life while in an “overt” way he’s acting all nice and cheerful ( but has a motivation to keep harrasing me and acting like a two faced prick )
oh by the way, I’ve had a conversation about what I’ve just said about the harrasment in ukraine, so me and some other guy from the apartment were in the dining room, I told him:
I don’t understand what is going on.. he said : what do you mean?
so I told him about how I feel and what I see, and people implying I’ve done something hidious and aweful, so I told him.. “I don’t understand why, what have I done?” so one person bursts in the dining and dramatically says “what DIDNT you do..?!” and that guy I was talking to started laughing - any thoughts about this?
so now, i’m like so confused.. hoping to have some better days
what you’ve written is quite understandable. It’s always hard to write about craziness, though. It doesn’t make sense.
More and more, and reading your story, I feel that everyone is already being manipulated, and likely it is not done manually. It seems like a ‘targeted person’ can automatically set off abuse in other people. Really, it just looks, and feels, that way to me. Who could possibly want this to be the way society functions except truly insane people?
osinisrael, if you’re on Facebook, could you friend me?
Di Marigold
Tam, I’m not sure I’m following your line of thinking. The people who do these things can’t change. Facing them should be done at all times, and somehow they’ve been making me have to do it every day this week..another story.. . but they can never be changed so that the whole dynamic of this changes.
I just listened through all these recorded public comments by TIs, and all I can say is, “Wow!” This would be hard to believe if I had not experienced some of these things myself. Sleep deprivation, mind control, possible mind-reading, and sexual stimulation by remote electronic weapons, occasional instances of overt V2K, frequent and unrelenting covert burglaries, highly intrusive surveillance, covert drugging, psychiatric misdiagnosis and incarceration, Stasi-like Zersetsung.
Family and friends believe none of these things.
My husband and I just recently went through “covert drugging”. First me, then my husband and I both. It came from a lawyer at a lawfirm and through the hospital-which i was admitted to almost a year ago.It is sick and mind twisted individuals with credentials who need a dose of their own evil ways-which they will one day get it-“you reap what you sow~” and it is definitely an attack on our belief system and a form of “trying to control” how you think and act-
SICK, SICK, SICK! It just confirms my belief system and faith and the way I think and feel. It’s designed to depleat your resources, wear you down so you don’t or can’t fight back!!! Well, it’s back firing with us -It makes us stronger and pushes us to persevere, and press on more diligently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeremy provides the address to e-mail or snail mail a brief letter or case summary to the commission. Would you be willing to let them know that you believe that you are also a subject of these programs? he has put the links to other areyoutargeted pages, where you can find the addresses, at the top of this page.
It sounds like they have ample testimony to begin an investigation into this issue if they wish to. I am still not sure if that is the proper forum to bring up gangstalking / electronic harassment issues. If the electronic harassment and covert drugging that is going on is research, then it is almost certainly military research, not once-bona fide medical research gone awry.
Nonetheless, it is a serious ethical violation to use these weapons against ordinary civilians outside of a war zone.
Justin, I agree that they have enough evidence of wrong doing and harm to people to begin an investigation and to take immediate action to restore our rights. But, I don’t agree that ‘ample testimony’ should limit our representing who we are and how we are being affected? We all need to be compensated for these wrongs. And that had better be ample, because many if not all of us have ‘lost our lives’. Many have actually died; others have been denied enough the most basic quality of life, etc. As much of this as possible has to go on record IMO.
I am praying for a change, a stop to the non lethal weapon terrorism, and experimentation, and hope for a future for all targets. I don’t know how there would be restitution for a loss of income for decades, and ill health from exposure, and the psychological losses of friends, that seem to be collateral damage.
This is a good start, pressure needs to be kept up though. Bob Dylan, ‘Times they are a changing’.
1 comment
Getting by: I think we can all contribute by notifying possible allies, contacting our legislators, donating to billboards, supporting victims, in short helping to extricate from this mess, showing our responsibility and goodwill for fellow men.
Roxanne and all. If you are on Facebook could you friend me?
- Di Marigold (It’s really D. Marigold, but Facebook doesn’t allow single initials. Anyway, it’s still moi.)
I am not on Facebook. But I’ll look it up.
I am currently going through a chronically heightened and sustained torture campaign using a combination of advanced remote technologies. Most of the vicious attacks tend to coincide with documentation efforts of the remote torture as well as with active efforts to seek relief. Torture techniques used on me comprise a long list but, in the interest of not taking up too much space at a time, I am listing only a few. They include:
1) Visceral torture (torture of internal organs) where, using microscopic-sized photonic devices, the tissues of the throat and upper esophagus are severely churned, twisted and contorted in unnatural ways, pinched, scratched and brushed, generating pain and discomfort of levels that I never knew existed before.
2) Suffocation with silicone fibers delivered via a remote individualized chemtrail. The particles are deliberately targeted at the nostrils for chronic inhalation where they saturate the lungs and accummulate in the throat. It is this resevoir of devices in the throat that is then used to implement visceral throat and esophageal torture. The rest, generate a sense of perpetual suffocation as they are inhaled, the degree of which depends on the chemtrail load. At its most intense, it simulates a drowning or suffocation sensation. Particle-boarding.
3) Remote manipulation of body mechanisms for voluntary control of the bladder sphincter muscle so that it fails to respond to conscious control. This was implemented three times following efforts to seek help. Otherwise my urinary system is perfectly functional.
Two days after the March 1 (following Bioethics hearing), at least 10 aerial hovered up above, awaiting our car to drive home where they promptly followed. I have committed no crimes in this country. I do not even have a driver’s violation. I have not been accused of any crime. I have no acquaintances or friends who have committed crimes. Is there anyone out there listening? Will anyone help?
Here is a copy of a letter I faxed to the Commission:
Copy of Letter I faxed to you that I hope can be posted so that a serious discussion/investigation can be started:
To Whom it May Concern,
During the meeting from February 1, 2011 through March 1, 2011, many guest speakers brought to the Commission’s attention that they are being targeted now in what they perceive to be non-consensual experimentation by the government. I know that a lot of what these citizens are saying is true because I too am being targeted and experience some of the same things. I am asking that you re-direct this commission to investigate the human rights abuses that are occuring right now in our day and age or otherwise act on the behalf of all the innocent people in the world that are now suffering because of some targeting program that seems to have been created within the United States of America. I have read testimonials from targeted individuals who claim that their targeting started when they tried to do the right thing, i.e. whistleblow to remove corruption, report child abuse, etc. If this program was originally designed for defense, I can assure you that if this is investigated, you will find that the program itself is corrupt and therefore undermining our reputation in the world and here at home. If this program is being run by our FBI, CIA, or other agency, I believe it to be psychologically damaging to the government employees as well. I do not believe that anyone’s job description should entail torturing and/or experimenting on their fellow citizens. In the end, we will all be victims of this: the government employees, civilian citizenry used in harrassment campaigns, and the targeted individuals themselves. I am also writing about this to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, and asking him to act regarding this situation. I will be providing a list of self-proclaimed targeted individuals to him and ask that you consult with his office to begin an investigation into this matter as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time,
Jennifer L. Ayres
Here is a copy of a letter I faxed to President Obama:
Dear Mr. President,
On November 24, 2011, your office called for a Presidential Commission on Bioethics to review protections for human research subjects due to the discovery that the U.S. Public Health Service conducted unethical research in the past. The Commission met in Washington, D.C. from February 28, 2011 through March 1, 2011 to discuss ethical issues concerning genetics and neuroimaging testing and the protection of human subjects in this testing. During the meeting, many guest speakers brought to the Commission’s attention that they are being targeted now in what they perceive to be non-consensual experimentation by the government. I know that a lot of what these citizens are saying is true because I too am being targeted and experience some of the same things. I am asking that you re-direct the Commission to investigate the human rights abuses that are occurring right now in our day and age or otherwise act on the behalf of all the innocent people in the world that are now suffering because of some targeting program that seems to have been created within the United States of America. I have read testimonials from targeted individuals who claim that their targeting started when they tried to do the right thing, i.e. whistleblow to remove corruption, report child abuse, etc. If this program was originally designed for defense, I can assure you that if this is investigated, you will find that the program itself is corrupt and therefore undermining our reputation in the world and here at home. If this program is being run by our FBI, CIA, or other agency, I believe it to be psychologically damaging to the government employees as well. I do not believe that anyone’s job description should entail torturing and/or experimenting on their fellow citizens. In the end, we will all be victims of this: the government employees, civilian citizenry used in harassment campaigns, and the targeted individuals themselves. In the pages that follow, I will include a list of self-proclaimed targeted individuals from around the world that need your assistance. I obtained the list online during my research of this issue. It was posted at by John Finch, another self-proclaimed targeted individual. This list of individuals should give you plenty of people to start an investigation with.
Thank you for your time,
Jennifer L. Ayres
This letter is good, but watered down in the sense that it’s not assertive. Aren’t you friggin angry???!! We want a commission that will exclusively investigate the torture of American citizens. We want to be compensated for having lost our lives and those of our loved ones.
On Thurs., tomorrow, the Obamas are hosting an Anti-bullying conference. You can register to attend. Be there, or be square.
OK, trhis commission has heard from 20 citizens, two of which represented an organization with a membership of 800 TI’s. When are we going to hear from them. Do they think we can endure this abuse another minute. We are going to charge them for every friggin’ minute after March 1st that they did NOTHING + all the millions of hours people have been used for their insane eugenics experimentation.
I agree D. I want compensation too. I can not believe the hell they’ve put me and my children through over the last 6 years, and me over a life time. How dare anybody make a slave of another human being. We have an animal protective league, last time I checked humans are animals too, that is why I was disturbed by the speaker at the commission who said there needs to be a discussion on redefining freedom and equality. I haven’t been treated like an equal by this country, I’ve been treated like a slave or an enemy, it’s pitiful.
Not yet published research materials in interdisciplinary brain research and development of computer-brain interface must therefore be attributed to an unknown number of defenseless experimental subjects, many with families whose lives are destroyed in a wild orgy of computer abuse. This is to copy the cognitive behaviors and human perception in the development of quantum physics. Try The items have no options or informed consent, served as on-line research materials on aging.
Our Mission: Will humans have a free will in the future? MINDTECH Sweden, EUROPE has been established to create an awareness of nanotechnology and disadvantages of human-machine integration, and the great race between computer companies for reverse engineering (mind uploading) of the human brain.
Read // Magnus Olsson SWEDEN
This is definitely a bioethic issue. I’m thinking a lot of mind reading could be thought-planting and then, to terrorize me, telling me what I thought that “I” thought. Either way it terrifies me. Who knows how much of me is me? Taking control over other people (and torturing/defaming people to do it) is an immensely important issue. No wonder they try to look like something else more trivial and personal. We’re not in Kansas anymore.
Right, that’s why I’m treating surveillance as a more advanced topic than electronic harassment, even though I think it’s typical for the surveillance to be introduced to the TI before electronic harassment of other kinds is made obvious. Surveillance is only discovered indirectly, through the target’s observations of how his environment reacts to his private actions, and those observations might have been arranged to be misleading. So this topic of surveillance methods is something I have to build up to.
You’re saying you think surveillance has more to do with mind-control than we thought?
I’m saying this possibility has to be considered. When the intelligentsia finally start paying attention to sites like this one, they’re naturally going to ask how we know what we know. We have to be able to explain these things.
Is ‘surveillance’ more serious than ‘mind control’ because our thoughts are being read? That would precede having them controlled.
Delgado’s mind control experiments from decades ago were conducted by people who clearly did not have the capability of decoding brain activity. The very earliest experiment in nervous system control (that we know of) was conducted more than 200 years ago (frog leg stimulation) with very primitive instruments.
So mind control technology is, in a sense, less advanced than the surveillance TI’s are talking about.
But as I’m fond of saying, to control something, you have to watch it. Targeting couldn’t work without surveillance.
I think you’re saying they’re surveiling us by using our own brains and others’ around us; as well as controlling us (“human-machine integration” like Magnus Olsson was saying). And that is a good point.
I haven’t watched the whole Bioethics meeting yet (just the TI’s) did anyone mention issues of human-computer integration?
I just saw this Dr. Nick Begich video. It is very informative for TI’s who don’t understand what the progression of mind control experimentation has been. This embed code, may not work on this wordpress platform .
or put this into your browser window
I advise proceeding with caution when reviewing any material from Mr. Begich. His PhD is in traditional medicine, not the physical sciences. I’ve reviewed the book that this video is based on and while he reproduces many facts accurately (I haven’t had a chance to verify all his references), the book as a whole is misleading. And I’ve heard commentary from TI’s indicating that they are reading stuff into his book that isn’t there.
My response from data about Nick Begich from his books I have and listening to him on radio many times here is that his info is gotten from public published information making his data to what heavily targeted TI’s should know lags around 50 years. When data becomes public about kinds of weapons, best believe it is taken as far as it can go already. SR71 spy plane was 40 years old before it became public. I would assume while this plane was in operation defence spending was still being fronted on building it while the money was realy being spent on another project. But that’s my asumption. From the old days hearing allen wrench sets cost 800 dollars on the news.
Thanks for the reality check, Jeremy. I haven’t had a chance to see the whole video yet. I only can access the internet in public settings, and they are either too noisy to hear or quiet -libraries- where I can’t use the audio.
I saw the part about the different Hrz being used simultaneously in either ear causing the thought activity to become centered in the middle of the brain. Begich was talking about using the technology for biofeedback and described this as a positive use. That’s when I began to question the value of his knowledge. It is unnatural and dangerous to manipulate the brain to serve certain or any purposes. Especially the brains of children!
We are NATURE. PERIOD! Our brains and all our body functions are meant to be used to navigate and know our environment and establish our sense of place. Children should be raised to be connected with nature. That is the true ‘bio’ ‘feedback’. Since we, as beings on this earth, no longer educate our children this way, we have become a psychologically disordered society.
I imagine that Begich’s video is relevant, though, to know what the technology is and how it is intended to be used. At least, what THEY tell us, or we have gleaned. But, your feedback about his references would be appreciated.
Sharing this link to a discussion- ‘Read your mind? Not in a million light years’
Written by John Donnelly on February 28, 2011 on the Bioethics Website, in case you’re not aware of it.
My experience has been real, with vicious non lethal RF assaults. Happened that a postal inspector moved into the house behind me, and thats when the RF began. Very intense. over 100 mw per cm2. Destroyed elec equip, caused me the have bloody diareah for almost a year, eye probs, and my balls ascended into my abdomen. The assaults came from two locations on Grape Arbor Ct, homes or John Kaspar (drug dealer perhaps compromised) and hired perp of the Postal Inspection service of Ft. Worth, Jeffry Salamone. He has a criminal record re: firearms. Allegedly a security guy who works nights. So the bastard came into my home during the day destroying appliances and planting a bag of marijuana. Stole computer memory and software. City of Keller, Tx. would not do a damn thing. They
are working with the Postal Inspectors. Corrupt local police force.
Letter to President Obama faxed 4-7-11:
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461
Jennifer L. Ayres
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1100 Howe Avenue, Apt. 417
Sacramento, CA 95825
Dear Mr. President,
On March 3, 2011, I wrote to you about the guest speakers at the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues and the people around the world who are reporting being targeted in what they perceive to be non-consensual human experimentation by the government. I also cc’d you on a letter that I wrote to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. As of today, I have not received any response to my letters. I want to let you know that I feel I am still being targeted and am suffering job-related consequences that I feel are a direct result of the targeting. I have being investigating the reports of other self-proclaimed Targeted Individuals and there are reports of some of them having committed suicide. That is how serious this problem is. The Targeted Individuals are still reporting being targeted too so I hope that something will be done soon to stop the targeting in order to prevent the loss of more human lives. It may be presumptuous of me to assume that you are aware of what government agency is committing these human rights violations, but I’ll assume this since I have not received a response to either of my letters which implies complicity. All I am asking is that the targeting of myself and others be stopped at this time because I believe all of us to be innocent victims for if we were not or are not innocent, then we should be charged with a crime and given a fair trial in a court of law. You may investigate these occurrences hands-on if you like by Googling Targeted Individuals or searching for Targeted Individuals in Facebook. There are many websites, pages, and groups that are coming together regarding the same type of targeting and harassment that I have experienced. I believe some of the technology and/or techniques used in the targeting are also the cause of the migraine headaches that I have been suffering from for years now. I have read about some people being targeted for twenty to thirty years. These reports and the technology I have been exposed to are what lead me to believe that non-consensual human experimentation is also involved. As I stated in my previous letter to you, I believe that we are all being psychologically damaged by this: the government employees, civilian citizenry used in harassment campaigns, and the targeted individuals themselves. Please do the right thing and have this program investigated and/or act to stop the targeting of innocent citizens here and abroad as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time,
Jennifer L. Ayres
All these new technologies and we’re still the same old people with the same old problems: self-preservation, selfishness, guilt, not enough responsibility or caring or even understanding. We lock our doors to “keep the honest people honest”. Even the members of the commission joke around about whose technology will be the end of western civilization.