The following is a Original Presentation.

eyes wide shut placed here for article lister use only 0x0

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Ephesians 5:11



Masonic organizations promote the idea that they are a force against religious extremism.   The mainstream freemasonry descending from the United Grand Lodge of England requires that its members profess a belief in Deity, but does not inquire further about the specific details of their religious beliefs.   The lodges make it known that this policy is designed to restrict membership to good and moral men who believe in God but come from different religious backgrounds, allowing them to join together in a spirit of fraternal harmony.   Most reasonable and rational men, opposed to religious extremism, find this concept appealing and naturally want to be a part of such an "open minded" organization.

The lodges confer "degrees" of initiation on their members at ritual meetings.    During each conferral, the candidate is made to kneel at an altar and swear a blood oath whereby they promise to keep the secrets of the order, with violations beiing punishable by extreme physical mutilation.   These punishments, which vary in specifics with each degree, are explicitly and graphically described to the candidate before he is asked to take the oath.   The actual administration of the oath begins with an invocation of God.  

A cursory review of official masonic documents reveals that the fundamental purpose of requiring members to profess a belief in Deity is not to ensure a membership of moral men.   Rather, it is in place to strengthen the psychological impact when the candidate kneels blindfolded at the altar and is made to take his blood oath.   It is to make the "obligation more binding." 

Masonic organizations of the French "Grand Orient" stream omit the invocation of God, based on a stated policy that members should enjoy absolute freedom of conscience.   However, although both the British and Grand Orient masonic movements profess to be rational responses to religious extremism, the core elements of their rituals, particularly including the passwords of the degrees, are deeply rooted in the Bible itself.  

In the lodge room, members are instructed to turn to the Holy Bible in order to best learn the secrets of their craft, and this is for good reason. They need not look far.  In the opening chapters of Genesis (the very first book of the Bible), they will come across a series of passages containing words that they will immediately recognize from their ritual and which contains the key that will unlock the primordial secret of the fraternity.     Therefore, even the non-religious reader must inquire into some arcane Biblical history if they wish to acquire an accurate understanding of the true nature of the masonic order.   The following graphical exhibits are presented with that end in view.

The Hidden Roots of Freemasonry





1 This is the story of Adam and Eve after they had gone out of Paradise. And Adam knew his wife 2 Eve and went upwards to the sun-rising and abode there eighteen years and two months. And 3 Eve conceived and bare two sons; Adiaphotos, who is called Cain and Amilabes who is called Abel.


1 And after this, Adam and Eve were with one another and while they were sleeping, Eve said to Adam her lord: 'My lord, Adam, behold, 2 I have seen in a dream this night the blood of my son Amilabes who is styled Abel being poured into the mouth of Cain his brother and he went on drinking it without pity. But he begged him to leave him a little of it. Yet he hearkened 3 not to him, but gulped down the whole; nor did it stay in his stomach, but came out of his mouth. And Adam said, 'Let us arise and go 4 and see what has happened to them. (I fear) lest the adversary may be assailing them somewhere.'


1 And they both went and found Abel murdered. I by the hand of Cain his brother. And God 2 saith to Michael the archangel: 'Say to Adam: " Reveal not the secret that thou knowest to Cain thy son, for he is a son of wrath. But grieve not, for I will give thee another son in his stead; he shall show (to thee) all that thou shalt do. Do thou tell him nothing."' Thus spake the archangel 3 to Adam. But he kept the word in his heart, and with him also Eve, though they grieved concerning Abel their son.


1 And after this, Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Seth.

And Adam said to Eve: 'See! we have 2 begotten a son in place of Abel, whom Cain slew, let us give glory and sacrifice to God.'



Genesis 4:17-22



Master Mason terms Tubal-Cain and Jubelum




About the Author

Manly P. Hall (1901-1990), widely regarded as a sage and teacher steeped in the wisdom of antiquity, was one of the leading esoteric scholars of the twentieth century. The author of the landmark work The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall was named a 33° Mason in 1973. It is the highest rank Freemasonry can bestow. (











Blood as a Medium of Exchange

  • After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God clothed them with the skins of animals (Gen 3:21).   This is the first example in the Bible, right at the beginning, of the necessity of blood being shed for the redemption of sin.  
  • In the New Testament, it is not just Jesus dying on the cross but more specifically his shedding of blood to redeem sin that is his gift to humanity.

Examples in Popular Culture

In this scene from the film "The Devil's Advocate" starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves, the African witch doctor tells Reeves' character to think of blood as "spiritual currency:"

Video running time: 30 seconds

eyes wide_shutNext, in this scene from In the film "Eyes Wide Shut," Tom Cruise's character has incurred a 
debt of blood by trespassing on the diabolical ritual of an elite cult.   He does not understand that there is some kind of dark or occult law at play in the situation, and he is only saved when one of the temple prostitutes offers herself as a human sacrifice to redeem his debt of blood


Here is a clip of this important scene from the movie:

Video running time: 4 minutes













paine egyptians

scottish rite sphinx

nbc isis terror

Isis was the name of hte Egyptian goddess

rand isis




Excerpt from Fire & Ice
by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph. D.


One of the most important, and certainly the most diabolically mysterious, of these shadowy lodges was the Free-Masonic Order of the Golden Centurium (FOGC). This order was supposedly founded in 1840 in Munich by some rich German industrialists and well-placed citizens.13 The FOGC was an openly daemonological order that maintained magical contact with a tetrad of daemons: Barzabel (planetary demonium of Mars), Astaroth, Belial, and Asmodeus. The service of these entities was to provide the initiates of the order with untold personal power, influence, and wealth.

masons-celebrate-st-johns-dayIn essence the FOGC was a cult of human sacrifice. The centurium in its name is Latin for a group or division of one hundred. Actually, the number of initiates in the lodge was limited to ninety-nine—the one-hundredth member of the order was the demonium itself. Each year a new member was elected and initiated, so the extra human initiate had to be sacrificed to the demonium. This whole affair was taken care of on the night of the twenty-third of June, St. John's Day. On that night, the lodge members would convene, and if no brother had died in the course of the year, a "lodge sacrifice" had to be chosen. This was done by drawing lots. The initiate chosen for this honor would then drink a poison draught in order to complete the sacrificial act.




Masonic Chain of Union


Album artwork depicting Michael Jackson in red (symbolic of blood), standing atop masonic checkerboard pattern.   The image is superimposed by a portrait of Michael's killer Dr. Conrad Murray, clothed his masonic lodge officer's jewels.


For further research on this subject, see:

Freemasonry Resource Library at

