Here are a few of my favorite letters and e-mails (presented with the explicit permission of their respective authors).
"Thanks Dean! I really appreciate your support for my work. I have been very satisfied with Mad Mimi's services, and I recommend Mimi to anyone looking for simple and powerful e-mail list management. I was going to have to switch to a free service due to limited personal income, but your generous donation makes it possible for me to stick with you. Cheers!"
Thank you for the kind words! I don't consider myself as being on anyone's "side," though. I just want to be free, and that motivates me to contribute my own piece towards creating a world where freedom is secured for everyone. That might be a pipe dream, but probably one worth pursuing nonetheless.
11/17/2012 Hello Jeff, I wanted to say thank you for your website! I don't like to say that I am a "targeted or victim" but for the lack of a better description, I am. This crime has impacted my life since 2005. Because of this, I haven't seen my son in over 2 years. His mother married a perp. Long story short, I've learned grown closer to Yahuah and learned to forgive and love in spite of. These two acts alone have put me in a place of peace. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance with helping you help others. Again, thank you for the site. |
December 20, 2012 I just wanted to take a moment and email you to thank you for your web site and the memorial for Dr. Turner.
Unfortunately, I Never met her and have only viewed her on YouTube. As such, I was seeking out her books to read and was sadden by the used prices for the books online then went to local bookstore again no help as they are out of print. In my life I have noticed that things seem to happen just so. Books and knowledge seems to find me and connections are made. I have a sneaking feeling i may not like all that i learn, i have had strange things happen in life, time lapse, 3 green glowing orbs in my bedroom that moved toward husband and I -joined together then illuminated his watch face, i commented on this to him, then we both fell asleep instantly. Our actions were not logical, no fear, no questioning the strangeness of it, etc and more... I surely will enjoy reading Karla's legacy that she has left behind. She was a force and we all were lucky to have her to help illuminate our way to understanding. I do feel blessed that you have so generously provided all her books and Barbara's as well and wanted to say THANK YOU ! All the Best, <name removed by request> |
[Name:] Luther R. Norman
Many more supporting comments have also been posted in my Guestbook!
Subject: Re: Give a damn!
From: Sharon Pollen <
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 19:09:41 -0400
To: Jeff Polachek
Please post this on your website. Any response is a positive response. Thank you, again.
Subject: Give a damn!
From: Sharon Pollen <
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 02:30:51 -0400
To: Kris%
Jeff Polachek,
I would greatly appreciate if you could forward my complaint to the proper
authorities. Someone must give a damn. My life, my thoughts, my memories, my
internal feelings belong only to me. Not a super computer operated and sanctioned by
my government.
This I have forwarded to my United States Government, along with all details etc.. All
agencies choose to remain neutral, aka 'wrong department'. I have always loved my
country. They have let me down. Very disappointed tax payer. Very disappointed
human being hurt and physically harmed and challenged for/during work, home life and
sleep time. I realize all TI's have their own personal hell. Each is customized for
each person's private hell. I want my government to work with/for me. I want my
healthy life back. Keep fighting and writing. My rights as a US citizen are not
I hate repeat writing. I want my life back. Physical pain and torture are not a
proper response to my many letters for helpful intervention.
Sharon Pollen
459 atlantic avenue
Aberdeen , nj
From: Sharon Pollen
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012
Dear Jeff,
Thank you for your quick response. I appreciate your comments. I did join your email list and feel free to publish my comment. If you feel it might help my cause, feel free to include my name and contact information. Again, thank you for responding.
Sharon Pollen
[Name:] Sharon Pollen
[Phone:] 732 737 5835
[May I publish your comments?] Yes‚ including my name
[Your Comments:]
Just read the article written by Cheryl Welsh. Symptoms. I am really hurting and I need help. I have been involved in a very vicious program for a long time. I have noticed family members swayed with memories and facts. I personally could not put all my symptoms in this short brief. I endure the verbal and physical control. Not mentally ill nor do I intend to continue to be pushed in this direction. All thoughts and emotions, habits, life style, word use etc. is recorded and used against me, through me, linking or threatening to link me to people I care about or encounter. My concern is for my physical health and that of my family, friends and loved ones. Still grateful I am capable of writing but I realize I might be "penalized and punished" for writing for help. I need directions for contacting the correct people for assistance. Please contact me.
nick n
Yes, including my name and e-mail address
Damn, you have a great site.
I've been targeted for over a decade: stalking, poisoning and RF weapons.
Forced to move 6x's.
In contact with over a dozen TI's locally.
Everyone wants to know why we were chosen?
Any defense?
Fk usg intel.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
A reader of this website wrote in with the following inquiry:
I came across your website (1/2/21) from a person responding to a post on Parler regarding UFOs. I haven’t read too much but already I “see” in my own life these effing implants. So now, this begs the question, “Who am I, really?” What info can I trust? Can I trust the Bible? Have ALL of my “extra” ordinary experiences been falsehoods? I feel like I have to start on a blank slate and it’s exhausting at 52. What kind of life have I prepared my children for? Thank you for sharing this information. It seems to me that 99% of life as I know it is a hoax. Where to go from here?
Hi (name withheld by request),
Those are some big questions you're asking. I don't think I can adequately answer those in an email; however, I'll just offer a few observations and suggestions.
You are still you. The technology allows them to artificially put thoughts and dreams into your head. But YOU are not those thoughts and dreams -- you are merely PERCEIVING them. Does that make sense? So the question of "who am I, really" is a philosophical question that all people have asked throughout history, regardless of mind control tech. So you're in the same boat as everyone else regarding that question. What's the meaning of life? "That's what YOU'VE got to figure out," like the cowboy in the movie City Slickers said. Being a subject of this kind of abuse (or any other) dosen't really change that.
What info can you trust? I'd suggest that the safest general attitude is to TRUST NO ONE. Keep your guard up. You don't have to be a nervous wreck about it. Stay cool and be courteous and friendly with people. But just be careful about how close you get with anyone and what you believe. Anyone even talking about these subjects should be immediately suspect, just because normal people don't care and don't want to know. They want to watch basketball and Netflix and go for drinks. A lot of the people who present themselves as "researchers" and "journalists" dealing with these issues are disinformation operatives. It's a minefield. They'll put out 95% good information, stuff you haven't heard anywhere else, to gain your trust, then hit you with the poisionous payload in the other five percent.
Sometimes that poison 5% is that the government is keeping secrets about aliens, or about to finally disclose what it knows. I say that's bullshit. I studied the alien abduction books, a lot of them, a decade ago, and what most of them had in common was that the "aliens" were telepathic and that human military personnel were also often observed. Meanwhile, targeted individuals nowadays report synthetic telepathy being used to read and control their thoughts. So I don't believe anything to do with aliens. It's all a smokescreen. Check out Martin Cannon's essay "The Controllers" in its entirety for starters. That's one of the most important essays you'll ever read on this subject, and it's only a few dozen pages long. Well worth your time.
Next, go on my website (on a computer or tablet, but not a phone if at all possible) and you'll see a menu at the top. There's a menu option for mind control research. Whenever you have time to seriously study, check out that information. I spent a lot of time putting it all together, and I suggest that it's worth your time to review. I put up my site specifically because most of the other sites out there dealing with this subject matter were either too speculative, not credible, or downright disinformation. I think it's so important that I put it up as a website for everyone to freely access. I could have written a book and tried to make money off it but that's not what this is about. This is about warning the world that we're being covertly enslaved and they had better wake up. Few seem to care, though. People are waking up a bit now due to the election controversy but I think that's a controlled spectacle. Trump is in bed with big pharma just like Biden.
You asked whether ALL of your "extraordinary" experiences have been falsehoods. I can't answer that without knowing the details of those experiences. But I'll bet that many of them probably were, if you're a mind control subject / targeted individual. Did any of them involve "strange coincidences?" That's usually a red flag. Put your guard up way high when you notice coincidences. Another term for this is "artificial synchronicity." It usually means that you're being actively messed with by the spy agencies at that moment. And if you tell anyone about it, especially authorities, you risk being diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic suffering from "delusions of reference." The spy agencies control psychiatry, medicine, and probably many other professions, along with the politicians and mass media. See the Weaponized Psychiatry section of this website for more on that.
I've also noticed that I'll get a lot of seemingly-sincere email inquiries like yours, compose a thoughtful response like this one, and then later get a follow-up response which leads me to believe that the writer is, IN FACT, totally psychotic. I think that the intel agencies will in many cases deliberately target and mess with people who have legitimate, actual, psychiatric issues. Then, when those people complain about the effects of the mind control or other covert activities, they will complain about it, but the general public will respond by thinking those types of claims stem from the underlying mental illness, because this person is obviously nuts. Then, when the CIA or whoever go after a legitimate political dissident and start messing with them, and the dissident complains, it's easier to label that dissident as a mental case as well, because a precedent has been set. See how this works? In many cases, a dissident whe was originally totally mentally sound can be MADE to become mentally ill, through the application of mind control tech, drugs, or other methods. Shades of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." By the way, while I'm on this point, make absolutely sure, as a top priority, that you listen to all of Jeremy Radlow's podcasts.
As to your question about whether you can trust the Bible. I'm a former agnostic, now Christian, and suggest that if you have doubts, look at the story of Jesus in the New Testament. The essential message is that Jesus offered His life for our salvation, and it's a free gift. All you need to do is accept it. There is no other price tag attached. To my way of thinking, if there is a God, that's exactly the kind of thing He would do, and that He would want us to believe. So I choose to accept that. And it doesn't mean that I have to buy in to all of the other baggage that some people bring to religion. Like bibliolatry -- the worship of the Bible itself as an idol, which is a sin, but which a lot of religious people will try to convince you that you need to do. I'm a Christian but not like most ... I still find more philosophical common ground with Ayn Rand, who was an atheist, than with many of the more obnoxious sorts of religious people. Anyway I have an article on my site that I wrote a few years ago called "The Will of God." Check it out if you want more of my thoughts on that.
Life is not a hoax, but just about everything that the politicians and media tell you is. So draw that line in your mind. Go about your life and make the best of it. Enjoy your family, friends, freedom, nature, and uplifting things. We only get one shot at life, so despite all of the horrific things that are going on out there, try to keep your knowledge of it separate from who you are as a person and don't let it get you down too much. Stay focused on the positive. Easier said than done, sometimes, I know. But in many cases that may really be the only power you have, so use it.
Hope that helps a bit.
January 3, 2021. I received the below response from another reader, and post it here with their express permission:
Dear Jeff,
Just a quick comment in regard to your most recent post. This is such a kind and wise response. I hope that the person who wrote you is helped by it. That "shock" of first becoming aware of some of these things can be very difficult to take.
Every once in a while I send a link to particular articles on your site to friends who seem to be interested in understanding one aspect or another of our current world situation. To date none has have given feedback that I can recall. As you say in your post referenced above, most people don't want to know about this stuff.
May God continue to bless you with knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
(name withheld by request)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8
I just received the e-mail quoted below, and am publishing it here because it is a typical example of the never-ending baloney currently being promoted on the internet that blames private actors for the atrocities being committed by out-of-control intelligence agencies, on an ongoing basis.
But this is really nothing new. Since the middle of the last century, they have been blaming "mental illness" for victim complaints. In the 1980s, they started blaming "alien abductions." A few years ago, they added "gang stalking" to the list of false explanations.
Now in 2015, apparently, it's "collection agencies." My only question is, "how retarded can you get?"
Also, take notice of the websites this writer is promoting; they include FFCHS and the "Covert Harassment Conference," which in my judgment are government-sponsored traps designed to help corral true victims and direct their energies into useless avenues. Likewise with ICAACT, which promotes "RF scanning" as a solution, and a website called "bibliotecapleyades" which promotes the common disinformation theme (see MC301) that mind control is accomplished using "scalar waves" (both are nonsense, see MC402).
Quoted message follows below.
On 10/31/2015 10:18 AM, Abhi <
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Collection agencies have access to a sophisticated, illegal technology network worldwide that uses the electromagnetic spectrum to extract, map and store private information (physical/physiological/speech/mental and online/telecom). They use this information and technology globally to continuously monitor, harass and attempt to manipulate targets as part of illegal collection practices in the 21st century.
Illegal Collections may be a source of finance for the network.
Some links with information on the tactics and technology used:
This is a social problem which will need consumers and regulators to be informed of the potential abuses of technology in the 21st century and take the necessary steps towards reforming the legal standards of collection and otherc covert surveillance practices.
Anything you can do to share this information with consumers/ regulators and/or law enforcement will be appreciated.
During my web surfing this evening, I came across the following:
This variation is clever in that the author not only is attempting to deflect attention from the state security services, but also trying to cause victim readers to lay blame upon their immediate friends and families. In other words, the author wants them to take steps to isolate themselves from those that they may ultimately need the most. A targeted individual who is alone and without a strong support system is one that can be much more easily neutralized. Again, how retarded can you get? These are rather lame attempts at cover stories, I think, and probably won't go too far. Mental illness is, and will probably remain, the most plausible cover story for Zersetzung operations for quite some time.
This is an e-mail I received from one David Bromall in response to an e-mail update I had sent out to my list in late 2012:
Here's another e-mail I received from David Bromhall not too long ago, in which he appears to be very concerned about helping the British police get new "laws" on the books to deal with stalking and harassment:
As anyone who has spent much time on this website will probably already know, "gang stalking / harassment" is a cover story being used by the global (i.e. US / UK / Europe / allies) intelligence apparatus to conceal the fact that it is covertly neutralizing internal enemies in many countries using Stasi / KGB style untraceable "Zersetzung" tactics. When he's not busy sending me "non-threatening" e-mails like the one first shown above, apparently Mr. Bromhall likes to pretend that our governments are the solution to, rather than the source of, this problem.
Some more along the same lines that I received from David today:
Mind Control 301 - Common Disinformation Themes
Freemasonry 302 - There is no "Gang Stalking." There is Only Zersetzung.
[AYT] If This Were a Dictatorship, the Authorities Would Have Told Us
Hi Jeff,
You mentioned the fact that the stalkers like TI's chatting on forums. Why is that?
I think you are referring to the Jeremy's podcasts from which are on the front page of my website. He said that, not me. I think his idea was that the people responsible for abusing targets/subjects are intentionally playing them against each other. Get people all riled up, making accusations against each other, paranoid, acting crazy. That's why I stay away from all of the conference calls and other group activities. There is no such thing as a "TI Community" -- just a lot of individual victims and a bunch of the abusers mixing themselves in pretending to be victims too. It's a mess.
Thanks to you, I am alot more chilled about what is going on around 24 hours a day,
Glad to hear it.
but my problem is when I am asleep. Even when I wake up during the the handler have a break or the just change shifts.
I think you are dealing with people who are doing a job and working shifts. They monitor and manipulate subjects remotely by means of high-tech implants in the subject's brain and body. If they are subjecting to you sleep deprivation, you might try taking valerian and/or melatonin supplements which seem to help.
CAN I BE SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't have to be important to be subjected to this. Many thousands of soldiers are KILLED in wars. Does that mean they are "important" as individuals? In the USA, there are millions of people in prison, many of whom are serving decades for non-violent drug "offenses." Are they "important" in any meaningful way? No, I don't think so. Yet the government is willing to spend $40,000 - 50,000 a year, per head, to keep them incarcerated. I'll bet you that the costs of managing an implanted population of citizen/subjects is far LESS since there are no buildings or real estate to maintain. Just staff working remotely.
The government has virtually unlimited resources and can abuse whoever it wants with impunity if it chooses to. You don't have to be "important" to be targeted. Most targets/subjects/victims are probably just ordinary individuals. In fact, choosing average nobodies to screw with makes it more likely that no one will pay attention.
I recevied the following e-mail today (Nov. 4, 2013) and publish it here with the express permission of its author. I have added paragraph spacing to improve presentation and readability. It is otherwise presented in its original, unedited form. I do not know the author and cannot offer any insight into their statements, other than to say that it seems to fit the general pattern of MKULTRA abuse that I am aware of. JP
[Name:] <removed by request>[E-mail:] <removed by request> [Phone:]
[May I publish your comments?] Yes‚ without my name or contact information
[Your Comments:]
2005 rape as a means of torture, possibly on the background of surveillance abuse or other intrigues, ..lots of "coincidences" and Information the perp had I didn´t give to him. 2007 hooked up by a machine, or the first one made more transparent.
Maybe someone tried to help me, later they tortured. They regressed in a Cameron-Style, induced pain, raped, made me dizzy, disrupted my sleep and induced dreams (nightmares), flashed visual Icons. It seams understandable that someone with a technology like this would never agree to give it up and rather declare anyone as evil or insane who talks about it or critisizes it. On the other hand the crimes commited by this maschine are grave enough that it would be more insane not to talk about it, or demented.
In the beginning it seemed like Trauma-therapy and there was a lot of "love-bombing", then they used the trauma-template to "program", feels like a Pavlovian dog. I don´t want to be programmed. It is against my dignity. Hence I protested, sometimes in public. I don´t work for the government, nor security sector, I don´t hold sensitive Information, I am not rich, I am not even very bright, so there is no gain from abusing me.
Traumas like these leave the Targets isolated, vulnerable and disturbed. I would like to see the people responsible for this in the ICC. I consider it as war crimes. Maybe this is another form of modern terrorism.
I went on hunger strike for some time, then I decided to leave the country. So far this has cost me 8 years of my life. This is not therapy. Unitl today I am more of a fugitive than a human being.
They used computerized rapid recorded voices, acoustic masks of voiced one knows, so to make them more acceptable, hypnosis, sleep deprivation, they tapped my vocal chords (wonder what I might mumble in my sleep?), they raped me electronically, they pulsed my heart as if to give a jolt, ..guess what: other people get smater, I get all dull and the duller the more keen on getting out of this hell. I wonder whether the radiation provokes Alzheimer, since the heating of brain tissue could lead to a misfolding of proteins, couldn´t it?
I made the decision to deconstruct the maschine after 3 weeks of encounter. This is still my choice. I don´t even know if it is government. I started my hypothesis with "destructive cult". On the other hand I read "destrucitve cult programming" was used by terrorists, so maybe I´ll work with this hypothesis as well.
I consider myself as partially handicapped due to the abuses, but I can work normally. One doesn´t see it. I never joined any cult or religion or political party. One looses ones capacity to hold on to something. I can remember they raped electronically on one X-mas eve. Ever since there is no God. I no longer volunteer or donate to charities.
Even when I plan to something will happen that will hamper the attempt, like a software. I have a whole list of questions they asked computerized. They even wanted to know bank details. I won´t have chilren after the abuses and this doesn´t come as too much of a shock since I simply wouldn´t like to see them being targeted.
The following is an e-mail I received in 2013 from Tania, a resident of Queensland, Australia. Based on its contents, I am certain that Tania is the subject of a classified non-consensual mind control program. The e-mail is presented with her express permission in its original, unedited form, with the following exceptions:
Below the e-mail and footnotes is a letter that Tania wrote to a psychiatrist to whom she had been involuntarily referred (under Australia's Mental Health Act) by the hospital where she was admitted.
(Received October 8, 2013)
In November 2012 I had what I believed contact with spirit world. Seeing the clock at 11:11 twice a day for days on end (1), telepath (2) and many coincidences (3). I had similar experience over Easter 2011, however November 2012 was more intense. It felt like God had chosen me to save the world (4).
I had visions in which the following day I would be sent a picture of what my vision was on my facebook page from unknown people (5). These pictures showed planetary alignment (6) over Giza pyramids (7), full moon eclipse and the Mayan calendar end date (8). I had never heard of the Mayan calendar previously. These pictures were what I had seen in my visions.
I was absolutely certain the spirit world and God were contacting me. On 28 November a friend came over and she thought I was having a mental breakdown and called an ambulance. In the ambulance the officer placed what appeared to be beige coloured skin/medical patches on both my forearms shoulders (9). In the centre of the patches were metal rods of about 2 inches in height with rounded ends. I wanted to ask the officer what they were for but I was unable to speak. He called out to the driver that my blood pressure was normal. He had not used a blood pressure device to check it though. (10)
Once at the hospital several people who I assumed at the time were doctors and nurses asked me odd questions. I was asked if I had a uterus and if I knew where I had gotten the chemicals from that were in my body. I wasn't given the time to answer or ask questions, they walked away (11). I was given a quartz crystal by the nurse (12). I remember being wide awake and wanting to know what was going on.
The next thing I knew I was waking up and could not breathe (13). I then saw bits and pieces of my life as though I was seeing it on a large screen before completely waking up (14). A female came over and checked the patches on my forearms, pulled the blanket back over my shoulders and walked away. Two men in dark blue suits came and stood on each side of the doorway about 7 meters from me. One of them kept turning around smiling at me and telling me via telepathy that everything was okay (15).
I had not been pregnant but I then felt two babies being born, about 5 minutes between each one. It was not painful but I definitely felt the sensation of them coming out. I looked but could not see any babies (16). The lady returned and took the patches off my forearms.
I don't know how I got from being on a hospital bed to all of a sudden on a higher level of the hospital walking down a corridor with the 2 men in blue suits beside me. I then felt terrified. As soon as I felt this, the 2 men told me via telepathy not to be frightened (17). I was put into a room. It was after 11pm. I had arrived at the hospital about 10am.
I have about 13 hours of missing time (18). I felt fine in the morning and was about to eat breakfast on a balcony when a friends father who had passed away about 17 years prior came out and greeted me. I felt amazed to see him. He sat down, put his hand over mine and said I had been blowing him kisses all around the world. I shared my breakfast with him. I wanted to ask him so many questions but was unable to (19).
I was then discharged. I had not been assessed upon admission but I since received discharge papers that report I claimed to be the virgin Mary (20). They diagnosed me with bipolar! (21) I was not assessed! As I was being discharged a nurse gave me an injection in the buttock. She said it was vitamin B (22). My doctor does not believe I have bipolar and she is aware of mind control projects but said its too difficult to prove (23). Several weeks later I discovered the staff at the hospital that dealt with me and the ambulance officers are no longer employed (24).
I have conducted so much research since my experience in November. I am sure it was mind control. What are those patches they stuck on my forearms? I was going to message you months ago about my experience but felt you would think I was insane. It is constantly on my mind and I'm terrified of what could happen. Surely I'm not the only one they have done this to.
Thank you, Tania ,
Hi Jeff
Thank you for your reply.
Please feel free to publish my story on your site. You may use my first name and location.
I believe the patches that were put on my forearms are some sort of very advanced medical device that were used to put me to sleep and give me the birthing sensation (25). I feel the patches may have even been used to download my memories as well, as when I was waking up I could see bits and pieces of my life (26). Perhaps they used my memory to 'create' my friends father who had passed away many years prior (27). I didn't know my friends father very well but I certainly knew what he looked like. He had been a freemason (28).
I never knew there was a conspiracy surrounding freemasonary let alone mind control. I guess like the majority of people, you only find out after it happens to you (29).
1. The so-called "11:11 phenomenon" is a combination false-flag / disinformation operation which relies on neurotechnology previously implanted in the brain of the subject. It is so widespread that numerous books have been written and countless websites dedicated to the "phenomenon." See:
2. The experience of "telepathy" is a signature symptom of MKULTRA neurotechnology subjects. See:
3. The experience of unusually frequent coincidences is a sign of MKULTRA targeting. See:
4. The experience of feeling "chosen" and/or on a "mission" is another signature sign indicating one is an MKULTRA subject. This experience is widely reported, particularly by subjects in the "alien abduction" themed programs. See:
5. MKULTRA neurotechnology enables the operator to send video directly to the mind of the target, bypassing the physical eyes and ears. The mature technology which is in use against mind control subjects is classified; however, primitive versions of the technology are now being discussed in the open scientific literature. See:
6. Planetary alignments and astrology are a common disinformation theme and are often used to divert the attention of MKULTRA victims to "new age" beliefs. See:
7. Giza pyramids are a signature occult/masonic symbol. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry uses an ancient Egyptian religious theme for its rituals. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is also directly involved in MKULTRA psychiatric operations, according to the research of the late Jim Keith, who appears to have been murdered by medical personnel in a Reno, NV hospital. See:
8. See Note 6.
9. Patches on forearms probably indicate that Tania was being drugged at this point, particularly in light of the fact that she found herself unable to speak.
10. False statement by ambulance attendant in this context demonstrates complicity.
11. Medical personnel's question about uterus unexplained but relates to Tanya's experience of giving birth later in the story. Medical personnel walking away without allowing Tania opportunity to answer question is anomalous. It is unclear what was going on here and this may further evidence that Tania was drugged by this point in the encounter.
12. Crystals feature prominently in "new age" disinformation directed at MKULTRA subjects. See:
13. Waking up suddenly when the last recollection is of having been wide awake indicates Tanya was medically rendered unconscious. This is reported with great frequency by MKULTRA subjects both in conventional settings and in "alien/UFO" themed experiences. In 1981, a book presenting purported "research" on the latter subject was titled Missing Time, alluding to the nearly universal (no pun intended) nature of this experience among mind control subjects.
14. See Note 5.
15. See Note 2.
16. Manipulation of reproductive functions of MKULTRA subjects is commonly reported. See:
17. Another blackout (see Note 13). Another telepathic experience (see Note 2).
18. Another blackout (see Note 13).
19. The experience of meeting a deceased person personally known to the subject has been previously reported by MKULTRA subjects enrolled in "UFO/alien" themed programs. Tania's inability to respond indicates she was under external control. See:
20. Discharge papers inconsistent with Tania's recollections indicates concealment.
21. In order to conceal the existence and deployment of classified mind control neurotechnology, complaints about telepathic experiences have been pre-emptively defined as "first-rank" symptoms of schizophrenia. Diagnosis of mind control subjects with schizophrenia, bi-polar or other psychotic disorders as a cover story is the standard modus operandi of these operations. See:
22. Unverifiable injections are commonly reported by subjects of non-consensual human "experimentation." See:
23. Tania's doctor is probably correct, in this author's opinion.
24. Disappearance of hospital and ambulance staff shortly after Tania's experience strongly evidences an MKULTRA operation.
25. I disagree. I believe these were two distinct aspects of Tania's experience. Compare with my Note 9 and Note 16.
26. I disagree. Compare with my Note 9 and Note 5.
27. This is entirely possible. MKULTRA "synthetic telepathy" neurotechnology makes your thoughts and memories available to the remote operator. In this case, however, it is unlikely that it would have been necessary to rely on Tania's memory to "reconstruct" an image or experience of an individual, when actual photos or videos were available. Tania's experience of meeting her friend's deceased father may have been an artificially-induced memory / dream. See Note 5 and Note 19. It is also possible that she was in fact caused to meet someone who appeared to be the deceased.
28. In the context of an MKULTRA abduction, the deceased father's masonic affiliation is a red-flag and highly relevant. See Note 7.
29. Most people don't know, but (more importantly) they don't WANT to know. This stuff is too horrible for most people to want to deal with. They just hope that if they ignore it, they will somehow escape being affected. Unfortunately, they are not only wrong, but in many cases they and their loved ones are ALREADY affected without being aware of it. JP
[Name:] Debra Poulsen
[E-mail:]This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Phone:] 262-925-0423
[May I publish your comments?] Yes‚ including my name
[Your Comments:]Mr. Polachek:
My name is Debra Poulsen. I am one of the speakers at the Bioethics Commission featured on your website.
According to a FOIA request referenced in a article 3/14/12 " Unknown Tech Company Defies FBI in Mystery Surveillance Case", hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans have been placed on the U.S. Governments' Domestic Ant-Terror Program which entails 24/7/365 surveillance by law enforcement as well as citizen volunteers for organizations such as Infraguard, Citizens Corp, CERTS and the DHS Fusion Center members who employ numerous harassment tactics to disrupt our lives.
A program designed and developed for the so called "sleeper cell terrorists" in reality is being used as a extra-judicial vendetta program against government whistle blowers, citizens who make complaints against federal, state or local government, and others for retribution purposes - simply for exercising their Constitutional Rights.
This harsh program is a continuation of two Federal Government programs that never ended after the Church Committee hearings in 1975: 1. COINTELPRO and 2. Mk-Ultra.
After the issuance of a National Security Letter filed in Washington D.C. and awarded no due process, innocent targeted Americans are being subjected to torture using electromagnetic pulse frequencies, radiation, lasers and 24/7 surveillance in their own homes, workplaces and communities as disclosed by the CIA inventor of this technology called "synthetic telepathy". This CIA scientist is Dr. Robert Duncan and he, along with former NASA scientist and inventor Dr. Fred Bell, have made it clear that the use of this technology, so called" Non Lethal Weapons", on civilian non combatants charged with no crimes, is torture. It causes a lot of pain and damage to the human body and mind.
Simultaneously, we are subjected to all the COINTELPRO tactics that were disclosed in the Congressional Oversight Committee hearings in the 1970's led by Senator Frank Church such as privacy invasion, character assassination in the community, vandalism to property, blacklisting in our professions and more. These two programs being run by the government, according to former FBI Officers, Mike German, Ted Gunderson and Bob Levin, among others, is not only Unconstitutional, it is criminal.
It is time to UNSEAL these National Security Letters that are filed in Washington, DC, and time for the Congressional Oversight Committee to review in detail these innocent American citizens who have been deemed a threat to National Security in the same manner as German civilians were targeted in Communist East Germany by the Stasi.
The ultra-secret national security letters that come with a gag order on the recipient are an unconstitutional impingement on free speech, a federal judge in California ruled in a decision released Friday, March 15, 2013. If a Federal judge deemed these letters unconstitutional, each and every effort and act to harass and torture the innocent American who have had these issued against them should be deemed a criminal, terrorist act against our Country and Americans.
I am one of those people and I want to know who issued this letter against me and why. I have done nothing wrong - except voice my outrage at local government officials...
Debra Poulsen
Kenosha, Wisconsin
In addition to what Debra is saying, I would point out that the abuses occurring today are global in scope, transcend national boundaries, and completely disregard all conventional notions of due process and the rule of law. It is not clear whether national security letters are even being issued in many American targeted individual cases, let alone in foreign countries where they would have no applicability to begin with.
Most importantly:
"Synthetic telepathy" is NOT the result of the conventional technologies described above, as is commonly mis-perceived due to deliberate disinformation campaigns. Synthetic telepathy means the actual reading of a person's mind, or transmitting thoughts into their mind, and is made possible by classified neurotechnology.
Synthetic telepathy neurotechnology is completely different than -- and has nothing to do with -- "voice to skull" ("V2K") systems which are not only unclassified, but commercially available today, and make use of a far more mundane and conventional level of technology: focused sound waves or microwaves which can transmit audio directly to a target.
I received the e-mail shown below on March 20, 2013. I believe the author is an MKULTRA subject after using Google to search for his name (see clippings below his message). Claims of "telepathy" and "thought transference" are key signs that someone is a subject (victim) of MKULTRA neurotechnology.
"Schizophrenia" is the preferred cover story for modern MKULTRA operations. (Notes: 1 2 )
See my Special Exhibits: Mind Control for more information about the classified neurotechnology put into people's brains which makes this possible.
[Name:] kazuki hirano [E-mail:]This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Phone:] 0638340390 in neterland [May I publish your comments?] Yes‚ including my name
[Your Comments:] hello my name is kazuki hirano japanese. I was 12years ago liveing in okinawa japan there is many US milltally base i get problem from there synthetic telepathy ,direct enagy wepon ,chemical biological wepon and these wepon are still sticking my body and most of injury is many pepole can feel all about me each secans and any positive happens on me they abuse and tourcher pepole around me same time and they start set up me with mental hospital or prison for kill, now i am trying asylum in netherland but duch gavement refuseing about becouse they dont want get attack becouse of it positive happens on me like we get flue by biological wepon and many pepole die by syntetic telepathy or directenagy wepon we can get flue and many pepole die.. now i am fighting duch court and asking see Dr from maastricht becouse i think that will evdence DR dignosis and fMRI, but still not happning yet thats prove or evidence. and IND immigration and duch gavement trying set up with psychosis and put me prison in japan with facke charge i dont know may i can never get out from prison when i get there, becouse pepole know about me and i am a most of damege i get in it. pritending dont know and even useing me them to run with big problem.. Do you know some one can prove with me in netherland? becouse i can't move from this country immigration police put me prison i relly need help please send me even some of infomation i can get in netherland. adress p/a AZC Echt pepinusbrug 2 post number 6102 RJ ECHT phone 0638340390 this number is mobile phone in netherland i dont know how can call from out side country , no one call me or any frend i wan been like this for 12 years no one helping me.. thank you kazuki hirano
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Japanese Man Enters Plea in Santa Fe Attack
Associated Press
SANTA FE — A guilty plea has been entered by a Japanese man accused of attacking an Englishman speaking on "thought transference" during an international conference.
Kazuki Hirano, 34, of Yokohama pleaded guilty Friday to a charge of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
In exchange for the plea, prosecutors recommended that he be sentenced to three years' probation. Prosecutors also agreed not to object to his deportation to Japan.
State District Judge Michael Vigil has scheduled sentencing for Sept. 12.
Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist known for his theories on mental telepathy, was stabbed in the left thigh on April 2 during the 10th International Conference on Science and Consciousness at a Santa Fe hotel.
Sheldrake had said that Hirano had told him the day before that he heard voices and thought people were trying to communicate with him telepathically.
Hirano has said he believed Sheldrake was controlling his thoughts.
Hirano said Friday that he suffers from depression and is taking an antidepressant.
Hirano was in the United States legally when he stabbed Sheldrake, who was attacked when he finished speaking on "Memory and Morphic Resonance," prosecutor Joseph Campbell said.
Hirano's visa has since lapsed, Campbell said.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Jury Finds Japanese Attacker Guilty, Mentally Ill
Associated Press
SANTA FE — A Santa Fe jury has found a Japanese man "guilty but mentally ill" in the stabbing of an English biologist as he was speaking on "thought transference" during an international conference.
The verdict Friday requires the state to treat Kazuki Hirano of Yokohama for his illness while incarcerated. Hirano had accused the victim, Rupert Sheldrake, of controlling his thoughts.
Hirano, 34, faces up to three years behind bars, less the seven months he has already spent, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The jury declined to convict Hirano of attempted murder or attempted manslaughter.
State District Judge Michael Vigil will sentence Hirano Dec. 5.
Sheldrake, an expert on mental telepathy, was stabbed in the leg April 2 as he finished his lecture at the 10th International Conference on Science and Consciousness at a Santa Fe hotel.
Sheldrake had said that Hirano told him the day before that he heard voices and thought people were trying to communicate with him telepathically.
"I'm sorry they didn't find him guilty of attempted murder because that's what I think he was trying to do," Sheldrake said before leaving Santa Fe to return to London. "I think he obviously needs help and I very much hope he gets it and I'm very concerned if he's released before he's been cured he could be a danger to himself and others."
Hirano's defense attorney, Sydney West, is skeptical about the quality of the mental health treatment Hirano would get while incarcerated.
Copyright ©2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
A Japanese laborer who stabbed an English biologist at a Santa Fe hotel last year would bereturned to Japan f or a supervised probation under a plan reportedly proposed by his lawyer. Kazuki Hirano of Yokohama has been behind bars since April 2, 2008, when he plunged a hunting knife into the thigh of Rupert Sheldrake of London as the biologist finished lecturing on "Memoryand Morphic Resonance" at the 10th International Conference on Science and Consciousness at LaFonda.
In a subsequent interview in jail, Hirano said he believes Sheldrake is controlling his thoughts: "He's doing testing on the public and using my brain. I can hear the voice in my head. It makes me very stupid. My brain is woken up by telepathy. People can see my mind ... watching me like a scaryface."
In a trial this summer, Hirano, 34, told a jury how af ter hearing voices in his head for seven years, he came to Santa Fe to confront Sheldrake because he believed Sheldrake controlled his mind with telepathy. But when he cornered Sheldrake in a hotel hallway, Hirano said, the "two-f aced, nasty man" began "talking down to me."
The jury found Hirano "guilty but mentally ill" of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. State District Judge Michael Vigil imposed the maximum prison term of three years. Hirano has served more than 15 months so far -- part of it in the Santa Fe County jail and most recently in the Central New Mexico Correctional Facility in Los Lunas. With 15 percent of his sentence discounted for good behavior, Hirano could be eligible for release by late October 2010.
A hearing had been set for June 25 to reconsider Hirano's sentence and to hear from Nathaniel Hurwitz, a psychiatrist at the Los Lunas prison, about Hirano's progress. In February, Hurwitz told the court that Hirano is taking anti-psychotic medication, has been compliant, polite and well organized, and appears to understand his mental illness. But on June 24, Hurwitz moved to suppress a subpoena ordering him to testif y the next day.
"The untimely service of this subpoena is exacerbated by the fact that there is no substantial need for Dr. Hurwitz's testimony," wrote lawyer Debra Moulton of Albuquerque. "Dr. Hurwitz has not made any forensic assessment concerning (Hirano). Moreover, Dr. Hurwitz has not formed any opinion as to how (Hirano's) condition effects (sic) the risks associated with his potential release from custody."
Sydney West, a public defender who represents Hirano and had sought Hurwitz's testimony, then moved to postpone the June 25 hearing to Aug. 25. West has not been available for comment, but Judge Vigil said recently that West told him she is trying to work out a form of supervised probation in Japan so Hirano could be returned before his sentence is up.
A spokesman for the Japanese consul in Denver said he is aware of the Hirano case, but has not heard from West and knows nothing of a plan for supervised probation in Japan. Hirano said in a recent telephone interview that he has not heard from West for more than a month and knows nothing about a plan for supervised probation in Japan.
This is an e-mail I received today 3/20/2013. I am not acquainted with the author and am unable to authenticate the content. I publish it here due to the seriousness of the subject matter. JP
[Name:] donna [E-mail:]This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Phone:] [May I publish your comments?] Yes‚ including my name [Your Comments:] I am a mother who watched child institutional abused by the very people that are to take care of them. My daughter was a volunteered patient at a hospital in Ontario Windsor here she was chemically abused to an extent that she was blacking out, bleeding from the rectum and no longer having her menses, forgetfulness, her skin looked burned and her ability to stay awake was difficult, her systems including blurry vision and feeling as though her skin was burning from the inside, she would take more than 20 pills a day including parkinson drugs for the shaking. She was even forced to take the medications even though she was voluntary and locked up for more than 3 months without going outside for fresh air.My daughter wants to get back her life but at the age of 16 she was abused as though she was in a nazis camp. Her nervous system has been so damaged that she started to act oddly and seemed younger than her age. The list is countless and disgraceful that this is what money would force professionals or so called professionals to succumb to. The doctor even told the Children Protection that I was psychotic and concern about me. I am baffled that such injustice is occurring here in a democratic state but we are really in a communist fascist state. D. Davidson
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For behold, the wicked bend the bow,
they make ready their arrow upon the string,
that they may in darkness shoot at the upright in heart. (Psalm 11:2)
[W]henever the Legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience."
John Locke