An excerpt from a list of "support groups" provided by the FFCHS ("Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance") circus. In addition to the 007 and other double-oh references, the observant reader will note frequent usage of the numeric identifiers 32 and 33 in the FFCHS contact lists, covertly signifying association with the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which is directly connected to the financing of MKULTRA operations. See the rest of the research section of this website for more on that. Of course, the people who give themselves away so easily by public use of these codes likely rank among the lowest order of minions.
It seems to me that Nuremberg-style trials would be appropriate. That was possible to do in World War II because there was an "Allied" force to invade and take out the Germans. But now there is a single order of things (despite what the state-controlled media claims) which includes most western countries,1 so there is no longer any external power capable of intervening and putting a stop to this nightmare. The whole planet is turning into a living hell.
Meanwhile, the complicit assholes in America and other countries walk around with smirks on their faces because they feel like they've been selected for the "in crowd" and are somehow smarter than the common fools who haven't figured out what's going on. But history shows us that in any dictatorship, the collaborators are the first to be eliminated when their usefulness has run out or any question arises as to their loyalty.
Update - Nov. 2, 2014 11:21 AM
The above material was published at approximately 7:30PM last night. Note that the image above shows a portion of an e-mail sent by Derrick Robinson to his FFCHS mass mailing list. I took a screen capture of a particular portion of the message in order to call attention to it here on my blog, with the above commentary. After publishing this page, I sent a link out to my own mass e-mail list.
A few hours later, I received the e-mail correspondence reproduced below from one Nina Sidorova. She is apparently the leader of one of the "support groups" listed in Derrick's mass e-mail, apparently in the area of San Jose, California. Notice that her computer displays e-mail envelope information in the Russian language and she is using a Russian e-mail server. Why is that? What is going on here? More importantly, what is that bit about costing her any of her fingers? This is some extremely bad stuff going on here.
I have apparently touched a nerve somewhere.
In the late 1800s an American named D.M. Bennett made a pilgrimage to Russia in order to meet Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a well-known "mystic" who was born of nobility. She was the founder of the Theosophical Society and publisher of Lucifer magazine, and claimed to communicate telepathically with a group of "ascended masters" -- a coded reference to members of the masonic cult, who are said to be "raised" (ascended) to the degree of master mason.
Bennett returned to America and founded his own institution called the Truth Seeker Company. The fact that his organization shared the same two initials with Blavatsky's Theosophical Society is notable.
Truth Seeker Company still exists today. It has financed many promoters of "new age" propaganda including Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Jon Rappoport, the late Zecharia Sitchin, and others.
Interestingly, today it is Russian state-sponsored media, such as the English-language TV network Russia Today (as opposed to the American state-sponsored "corporate" media), that regularly features stories detailing the excesses of the US government. I wonder why that is.
March 11, 2014
Jesse Margolis, Casting Director
Rachel Macy, Sr. Casting Director
Firecracker Films
3rd Floor
Design Centre East
Chelsea Harbour
London, SW10 0XF
Dear Jesse and Rachel:
I am writing to provide you with important background material for your documentary about "targeted individuals."
I have reason to believe that my father was the subject of advanced mind-invasive technology while an enlisted man in the army during World War II. I am also certain that my half-brother was the subject of an MKULTRA type program involving the same type of technology. His life was destroyed and starting in his teenage years he was committed to psychiatric institutions. For these and other reasons, I have been extensively researching the subject of mind control programs for several years.
The technology is implanted into the brain and makes possible a wireless data interface with the human mind. Verbal thoughts can be both read and introduced into the subject's mind. This is one reason subjects may report "hearing voices." Additionally, actual audio/video information can be both read from and written to the human mind. This is why subjects report artificially controlled dreams. The system also allows the operator to detect and control states of consciousness, and position of limbs and muscular movement.
Large numbers of people have been implanted without their knowledge or consent, including innocent women and children. Political dissidents are singled out for special treatment. The existence of this program and state of affairs is classified. In order to preserve secrecy, there is a psychological warfare campaign putting out a "smokescreen" of disinformation. This includes operatives, posing as victims, posting fraudulent complaints all over the internet complaining about stalking by gangs and alleged abuses of unrelated and unclassified technologies such as directed energy weapons, voice to skull audio transmission, and RFID chips. As a result, both the public and victims themselves are deceived as to the nature of the actual programs. The actual victims in many cases are thus led to believe false explanations for the symptoms they experience, and in turn repeat these explanations in their own complaints.
Many victims of these programs have been fraudulently diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Some have been involuntary institutionalized or drugged. These operations and the programs they conceal are all crimes against humanity and/or war crimes. It would appear from your e-mail that your documentary is designed to promote the very falsehoods that have helped to destroy the lives of countless innocent civilians, including my half-brother. If you want to make an honest documentary, I strong encourage you to review the mind control research on my website, beginning with the following two articles:
I am posting this letter on my website to document publicly that you were made aware of the above facts prior to producing your documentary series. If you now choose to aid and abet war crimes by using media of mass communication to disseminate disinformation, you do so knowingly.
Jeff Polachek
Firecracker Films and a Major Cable Network are seeking
Targeted Individuals to tell their story in an unprecedented
new documentary series.
Are you being targeted, harassed and/or gangstalked?
Are you taking measures to protect yourself and your family from
Electronic Harassment?
Do you suffer from side effects due to Directed Energy Weapons?
Are you a victim of Voice-to-Skull technology?
Implanted with an RFID chip?
Experts estimate that there are 300,000 Americans being
covertly and overtly harassed. Are you one of them?
Each episode will feature several stories of individuals who are currently
being targeted. Each victim will share their evidence and why they think
that they are subjected to this type of persecution. An investigative team
will see the evidence first-hand and work to help each individual
overcome what is happening to them and prove that they are not
If you or someone you know is a Targeted Individual and lives in the
United States, please contact us no later than March 14th, 2014. We
want to hear from you! Send an email with your contact information, a
brief paragraph of your story and a recent photo to:
Rachel Macy
Sr. Casting Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I recently became aware of the Homeschoolers Anonymous website. It contains a special section entitled "When Homeschoolers Turn Violent" which features profiles of numerous homeschooled individuals who have committed violent acts. My initial impression was that this was a blatant attempt to demonize homeschoolers. A cursory review of the "case studies" convinced me that this was in fact the case.
According to the profiles on the website, one of the case studies "began hearing voices" about a month before her violent episode. Readers familiar with my work will realize that this indicates the actor was an MKULTRA subject and not "mentally ill" as the website suggests. Other persons profiled on the site include several that had direct links to the military and one whose father was an advisor to President Bush.
I don't have the time or inclination right now to investigate this further, but I am convinced that this is a covert military psychological operation to demonize homeschoolers. It is an unofficial policy of the global power structure (i.e., most so-called "nation-states") to change society to such an extent that all people will be loyal only to the state. This involves elimination of all traditional notions of family, individual rights and liberty. Mandatory public schooling allows the state to gain control of the minds of children at an early age for purposes of political indoctrination and in repressive regimes is used for the purpose of weakening the family unit. Insider Aldous Huxley warned about this decades ago in his novel Brave New World.
I am sure that there are many more cases of homeschooled children that have grown up to be bad apples, just as there are many criminals who attended public schools. The mere fact that someone acts in a criminal or otherwise unacceptable manner does not in and of itself imply anything about the form of primary education they received. As anyone who has taken a class in statistics knows, "correlation is not causation."
The site also contains a graphic with text that reads simply "Homeschools Turn Violent." This is in contrast to the title of the section of the website ("When Homeschoolers Turn Violent.") Why does the graphic omit the term "When?" This usage is a form of subliminal suggestion designed to put the idea that "homeschoolers turn violent" into the subconscious mind of the reader for long-term storage without them being consciously aware that it is being done.
This is related to the psychological concept of the "embedded command," whereby an order to do something can be incorporated into a sentence that has a meaning distinct from the command so that the listener is not consciously aware of the command itself, but an unobservable emphasis is placed on the command phrase only so that it acts as a subliminal.
Here is the link to the Homeschoolers Anonymous material discussed above:
Jeff's Comments:
For decades, innocent citizens have been victimized by classified military operations which have included manipulation of human reproduction. The so-called "alien" abduction cases (a cover story for MKULTRA operations of the late twentieth century) were full of cases of women experiencing abnormal pregnancies, disappearing fetuses, and the like.
If the woman in this story is a subject of such a program, then it would follow that whoever is running the program knows what is going to happen to her unborn children ahead of time because they have planned it that way.
Further, my research indicates that classified MKULTRA neurotechnology has been implanted in large numbers of civilians, including children. This makes it possible to induce in the subject artificially created dreams and to control their speech. The remote operators of the technology can "speak through" the subject. In this case, the subject is the young child of the woman experimentee, and the source of the "psychic" information is the remote operator.
This hypothesis provides a rational explanation, based on technology known to exist, for the unusual so-called "psychic" ability of the child.
Related disinformation in the form of popular entertainment:
Intruders (1992 Made for Television Movie)
Running time: 2 hrs 40 mins
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For behold, the wicked bend the bow,
they make ready their arrow upon the string,
that they may in darkness shoot at the upright in heart. (Psalm 11:2)
[W]henever the Legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience."
John Locke