An establishment of power hostile to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights has set up a fake "grassroots" movement calling for a Constitutional Convention:
This is the absolute worst thing that could happen. Today's political problems do not stem from the Constitution. They stem from the fact that our government, along with most others, is now effectively privately owned and controlled by financial elites who control by terror. The governments we see are maintained as mere theatrics (along with all other forms of mass entertainment) to maintain social order.
Politicians at both the state and federal levels are for the most part just paid actors. The purging of dissidents, widespread MKULTRA operations, and other covert war crimes now taking place under their watch are bad enough. It is unacceptable to hold a Constitutional Convention while lawless criminals hostile to liberty wield the reigns of power.
The Constitution may be a flawed document. Many segments of society have never been properly protected as they should have been. However, the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution) flows directly from the Declaration of Independence, a statement of divinely inspired principles.
As the Declaration states, the rights expressed therein are "unalienable" and derive from the Creator; they exist independently of any government or system of law. Actions of government inconsistent with those principles are illegimitate on their face. Any attempt to touch one hair of the Bill of Rights should properly be viewed as an overt act of war against the people of the USA.
The agitation for a constitutional convention is being sponsored by a group going under the name of "Citizens for Self-Governance." The reader will note that an outline of a five pointed star is created at the top of their logo. The left and right angles of the star are partially obstructed by the "thumb" of each hand. This is a stylized version of the "eye in the pyramid" motif.
This is a state-sponsored covert operation designed to manufacture popular consent for a constitutional convention.
That all being said, it seems apparent that a new American Civil War is being deliberately fomented and designed from the get-go to fail. See Is the Patriot Movement Controlled Opposition? for further information.
As I have documented in the Special Exhibits: Mind Control section of my website, "synthetic telepathy" technology is currently widely deployed against civilians. In the first of those exhibits, I present as circumstantial evidence a film from 1966 which I have strong reason to believe was an intentional revelation of the technology being already known at that time. Assuming that is the case, technology which only today is receiving mass media coverage as currently being "experimental" was actually in existence 50 years ago.
However, I have a personal anecdote that I believe may actually indicate that the technology existed at least 22 years earlier than that. My father, who was a late in life parent with respect to me, was an enlisted man in the US Army during World War II. He had told me a story before his death back in the early 2000's about a strange experience he had while boarding a ship.
I forget his exact words, but the essence of the story was that while he was walking up a ramp to board the vessel, he had a strange vision or experience that suddenly all the other soldiers in line with him appeared to be walking dead, or skeletons, or something to that effect. Shortly thereafter, someone on land called him back and he was reassigned to a different vessel. The ship that he was supposed to be on originally was destroyed during its voyage. According to research by a family member, the vessel in question was probably the Liberty ship SS Paul Hamilton.
Some time after the war, my father became interested in horse racing, and went into business as the owner of several horses. At one point during this period of his life, he had another odd precognitive experience. This occurred as a "dream" one night in which he experienced being at a horse race and witnessing a specific horse win the race.
In the dream, he had "stood" at the final turn of the track. He watched as one of the horses came around that turn in the last lap of the race and stared directly at him in an odd way that I think my dad described as having a "supernatural" feeling about it. The horse was pulling forcefully towards him against the jockey's attempt to steer it along the curve of the track, only at the last minute straightening out and pulling ahead into first place to win the race. My dad, in the dream, then distinctly heard an announcer's voice state that the name of the winning horse was "Direct Rhythm."
A week or two later, a friend whom he had told about this odd dream called excitedly to tell my dad that a horse by that very name was in fact going to be racing at a nearby track. My father, along with several acquaintances, attended that race and the events from his dream played out before his eyes, according to his account. If I recall the story correctly, my dad didn't believe in strange stuff like that happening, so he didn't bet on the horse. Some of his friends apparently did, however, and left the racetrack that day with some money in their pockets.
My family never had an adequate explanation for these anomalous stories. However, I believe that Ockham's razor, the principle that "the simplest explanation is usually the correct one," may apply here. I suggest that the simplest explanation for my father's experiences might be that the synthetic telepathy technology that we now know to exist, the demonstrated capability of which is to make possible this exact type of experience, which by all accounts is presently deployed against an unknown but large number of civilians in numerous countries, and which my past research has already led me to believe was in existence no later than the mid-1960's, was actually already in use by US military forces during the second World War. The very fact that one of my father's experiences in this regard occurred while he was serving in active duty combat strongly supports this hypothesis, in my view.
If I am correct, and based on my knowledge and experience I believe that I am, this advanced mind control technology, being of military significance, is only being revealed to the general public (and under a pretext of being "experimental" at that) no less than seventy years after it was first put into operation.
The fact that it is now being covertly deployed against the general civilian population (not limited to internal enemies) for purposes of mass control is fertile ground for further discussion and action.
Another notable aspect of my dad's military service was the fact that his army dog tags listed the wrong blood type, a fact that he only discovered much later. If he had required a blood transfusion at any time, he would have been killed as a result of this error. He suspected it was because he came from a Jewish family (even though he didn't follow the religion) because of anti-Jewish sentiments which existed even on the American side during the war. I'm not sure if that was in fact the case, but it's another small anomaly that seems to fit into a larger pattern.
As an aside, the above would also seem to imply that the Hamilton (or whatever ship my dad was actually referring to) was deliberately sacrificed. That may be an interesting subject to ponder, but it's not the sort of thing ever likely to be disclosed to the public even if true.
In short it appears that there are several generations of MKULTRA type of abuse in my family. See my separate article about my half-brother Ricky.
A historian provided this following information about my dad's service:
This MOS, 754, as stated, designates him ad a radio mechanic. (Most of the radio operators had a 757 MOS, which designates radio operator/gunner). Several things indicate to me he was in Italy the entire time the 485th Bomb Group was there. One is the number of campaign ribbons (Battles and campaigns) There are seven. This meant he was entitled to wear the European campaign ribbon with 6 stars. Thiis is the number of campaigns that occurred during the entire time the 485th was based at Venosa. It also mentions the Distinguished Unit Badge. This was awarded to all the men in the 485th Bomb Group who were in the group on June 26, 1944.
I don't know if you have any of his ribbons. The Distinguished Unit ribbon was worn on the right side of the shirt/coat, above the pocket and was a solid blue ribbon. The European campaign ribbon is brown, green and a couple of other colors and would have been worn above the left pocket.
The date of departure listed indicates he was in the same convoy as the SS Paul Hamilton which exploded after a bomber attack in the evening of April 11. He may have been on the James Hoban, but I'm not sure. The ground echelon left their training base at Fairmont, Nebraska on 3/11/44. They went by train to Hampton Roads Virgina. They were there several days before they boarded troop ships to take them to Italy. Many of the 485th personnel were on the Hoban, which was near the Hamilton when it was hit and received some damage in the attack. There's a photo somewhere of the Hamilton exploding. Your dad also returned home with the group. The ship they returned home on was the USS West Point. The dates of his overseas duty match up with the records I have of the West Point leaving Naples. It came into port at Newport News, Virginia. I was wrong when I said he wasn't with the group at the beginning. I based this on the fact that I couldn't find his name on the roster of those in the group on 6/26/44. His discharge papers show differently.
I wouldn't have any info about him flying combat missions. Since he wasn't designated with a 757 MOS this wouldn't likely be on any records I have, since he wasn't shot down. The accident he referenced occurred on either 11/1/44 or 11/5/44. I think it was 11/1/44. A plane took off enroute to either Rome or Naples, taking ground troops there for R&R and the plane crashed a few miles from the base. This is likely the incident he mentioned, since it was the only aircraft accident where personnel were killed going on leave. I believe there's a photo of the crash in the film about Venosa.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. At least it fills in a few gaps for you.
For more information on this subject generally, please check out my Special Exhibits: Mind Control.
Note: It is my policy to only post e-mails on this website when I have received the express permission of the author. On the contact form on this website, the visitor is specifically asked if I have their permission to publish their comments and/or contact information. I do this out of common courtesy and manners.
Under unusual and extraordinary circumstances, however, I reserve the right to make exceptions to my own rule. The publication of the following material, consisting of repeated unsolicited communications I received at an e-mail address that I have never used in relation to this work, promoting what I consider to be disinformation, represents such an exception. JP
In the past three weeks (I am writing this on July 13, 2013) I have received several e-mails related to my website activism at a private e-mail address that I have always reserved for personal use and never made public.
Today I came across a new YouTube video entitled Attempted Setup of Luke Rudkowski. Luke is a political activist with a group called We Are Change that talks about 9/11 and globalization issues. In this video, Luke states that he too has recently received an e-mail at an unpublished personal e-mail address. In his case, the e-mail tried to get his attention with subject matter related to his work, but at the bottom contained links to child pornography. Luke believes that the purpose of the e-mail was to get the images onto his computer, so that when he travelled internationally and his computer searched at the border, he might be arrested. However, his Yahoo! e-mail account displayed thumbnail images of the material so he does not believe he actually downloaded the images to his computer.
In my case, I have received a number of e-mails at my personal address that were related to my public work. None contained pornography, but they contained unusual and bizarre claims.
Several were "activism" messages from one Lynn Troxel promoting the website COINTELPRO Continues Today. Here is one example, with my comments shown below as footnotes:
Jeff's Footnotes
(I am not the Jeff referred to in the above e-mail. It apparently refers to one Jeff Murray, an e-mail from whom I have reproduced farther down this page. The parties whose e-mails are posted on this page cc: each other on several of the e-mails I have received from them.)
1. Author's reference to “consciousness” studies, IN THE CONTEXT OF MKULTRA ACTIVISM, is a red flag. See:
2. Author implies that expert testimony of a “senior microwave engineer” and discussion of “effective shielding” strategies are somehow relevant to addressing modern MKULTRA. They are not. See:3. This is one of several e-mails I have received from Lynn Troxel at a personal e-mail address I have never used in connection with this website, beginning in June 2013.
Another of these odd e-malis was from one Darlene Miles promoting the website Keep the Ethical Light Burning:
I am convinced that the messages were designed to discredit today's MKULTRA victims (commonly referred to as "targeted individuals") by association with ridiculous claims. I discuss this concept in detail in two of my original research exhibits:
On July 12, 2013, I received another e-mail at my unpublished personal account from what seems to be an obvious agitator, calling for acts of violence to be made. This reminds me of the guys who show up at peaceful protests and demonstrations and commit violent acts in order to justify the police in cracking down. They are called agents provocateur. In any event, I am extremely uncomfortable about receiving an e-mail like this and not saying anything. So I am publishing the e-mail here for all to see and hypothetically so law enforcement is aware of it, but if I am correct and the author is a provocateur, then he is working for law enforcement anyway so they already know about it.
In any event, here is the e-mail:
-------- Original Message --------
Return-path: | < |
Envelope-to: | <removed for privacy> |
Delivery-date: | Fri, 12 Jul 2013 03:52:40 -0700 |
Received: | from ([]:44914) by <removed for privacy> with esmtp (Exim 4.77) (envelope-from < |
Received: | from BLU169-W122 ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Fri, 12 Jul 2013 03:52:39 -0700 |
X-TMN: | [FHzlpevnFy2Hi0e/tUayWYs8Te6rKiJy] |
X-Originating-Email: | [ |
Message-ID: | < |
Content-Type: | multipart/alternative; boundary="_ee65394e-8f7b-4bb1-98aa-7b62d5f38651_" |
From: | Jeff Murray < |
To: | Kenneth Rhoades < |
Subject: | RE: Common Disinformation Themes |
Date: | Fri, 12 Jul 2013 06:52:38 -0400 |
Importance: | Normal |
In-Reply-To: | < |
References: | < |
MIME-Version: | 1.0 |
X-OriginalArrivalTime: | 12 Jul 2013 10:52:39.0139 (UTC) FILETIME=[ED266B30:01CE7EED] |
X-Antivirus: | avast! (VPS 130712-1, 07/12/2013), Inbound message |
X-Antivirus-Status: | Clean |
where is modern day mk ultra being done? where??? state, city - address? where?
Today, the Activist Post website posted the following related story:
Video running time: 20 minutes
From: Jeff Polachek
To: Lucy Gereats <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Date: October 8, 2013
If you are experiencing pain attacks then I suggest you listen to the podcasts which are available at and are also linked on the front page of my website.
I want no further communication with you, Lynn Troxel, or anyone else that either of you are associated with.
Please do not contact me again.
Jeff Polachek
On 10/8/2013 4:29 PM, Lucy Geraets wrote:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You completely misinterpreted the email message from Lynn Troxel. She is not a perp or infiltrator. You apparently ignored her request asking you to join us and instead, have posted her email message to you on your website. You mistakenly based words in that email as "strategies" by infiltrators. For example, the "microwave engineer" is not going to be discussing "strategy" as you stated, but instead is offering TI's a method of shielding themselves, since many of us are still suffering from extreme pain attacks. Lynn thought that this information would be useful in our discussion based on this TI's occupation and background. This is NOT misinformation; nor is it a "strategy".
Do you know where your email address appears as above?
On your website, you say that it is a private email address that you don't usually use. Well you DID use it someplace....
Your email address appears on the FFCHS mailing list. Last year, a TI released Derrick's list to many other TI's. This list went around the internet to an unknown number of TI's who then probably also forwarded to even more TI's. Our group received it and we are using it to reach other TI's that have been under Derrick's PsOps spell for too long..........
Lynn did not give permission for you to post her private email on your website. I think you should have asked her before you did so.
Also, I am not giving you permission to post this message, either, except that you probably will anyway. This message is meant as a CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE to you only, with a 'cc to Lynn T.
Here is another e-mail which I received at my (formerly) non-public e-mail address. The text of the e-mail, and more particularly the content of the linked Youtube video, are clearly designed to give the impression that the author is either mentally ill, a raving lunatic, or both. The video contains numerous claims that I have previously identified as common disinformation themes in my article MC301 - Common Disinformation Themes.
Take note of the number 33 (typically a masonic signature) in the sender's e-mail address. It seems as though this is another example of someone deliberately trying to discredit true MKULTRA subjects by association with ridiculous claims.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: It's just a preliminary video...
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:28:50 -0400
From: Melissa S <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >
To: undisclosed-recipients
I wanted to finish the video but they woulldn;t let me. I know I may make you all seem un-credible. Put your comments in and let me know how you feel. You know when your tortured for over 11 years you do sound crazy. If that''s the way to get it into the sheeples heads. Even Alex Jones has seen me naked. So keep on yelling crazy man. I hope you get me out dr. john hall. Winning a prize like that. Satellite Terrorism we will make you all look like terrorists. Even if all you were doing was reading a book about Maya Angelou. 10,000 hits are all I'm asking for and then I will take the video down and die in horror.
The reason not to sell out has nothing to do with respecting the majority of the population that has already demonstrated by their actions what they are really all about. The Powers That Be are right about them and they deserve whatever they get.
The reason not to sell out is for the minority -- the needles in the hay stack -- who really are innocent and who do not deserve what is happening to them.
Here is a video of Glenn Beck doing a good job of showing how the American citizenry themselves, collectively, are responsible for the destruction of their own nation:
I wonder if Glenn Beck had anything to say on the subject back when George W. Bush was in office many years ago and was quoted saying he wanted to be a dictator.
Alex Jones was commenting on his January 6, 2012 show on the subject as well. I guess history just shows time and time again how the great masses of people can be herded and manipulated. He also commented on how the relentless drive of these people to just totally destroy everything ... freedom, the natural environment, the planet itself, is just totally inhuman. He says it's almost as if we're under an alien invasion trying to destroy the planet, but it's not literal aliens but rather Hell on Earth actually being unleashed.
Based on my own education and considerable personal experience, I have to agree. I have heard highly educated Christians and Luciferians both point out separately that the moral of the Bible story where Satan tempts Jesus on the mountain is to be found in the fact that Jesus never questioned Satan's authority to offer him all the kingdoms of the world. They were Satan's to offer.
What is still absolutely amazing to me is to see how the USA, the one country whose government was founded on the principles of restricting government and protecting individual rights, apparently now has a functioning system of citizen informants operating at all socio-economic levels, that would put many overt dictatorships (such as East Germany) of the past to shame.
The American citizens today (as well as those of other western countries) are willing participants in the destruction of their own civilizations. Their combination of pathetic evil little hearts and myopic inability to see what they are building for themselves is nothing short of suicidal insanity and it is sickening to watch.
For further details on how this works today in America and other western countries, see Volume II of Mark Rich's The Hidden Evil.
I subscribe to a service that lets me see how many people are visiting my site everyday, what countries they are coming from, their browser details, etc. For visitors that arrived via search engines, in about half of the cases the search engine will also pass along the exact search terms the person used to find my site.
On January 16 2012 at 12:53 AM Eastern time, someone in the Houston, TX area with Comcast Cable IP address searched Google for "jeffs guestbook" and entered code into my guestbook designed to test for scripting vulnerabilities:
... and a few more interesting search queries:
Yes, it's happening in Australia, and indeed appears to be a global phenomenon. For a very interesting account from a mind control subject in Austrialia, be sure and read Tania's story.
The same crap is still going on. This website has been online since late 2011 in an attempt to call attention to these widespread classified human rights violations by the domestic intelligence services, but the citizenry doesn't care and isn't paying attention. They're hypnotized by TV, Netflix and the many other components of the CIA-controlled domestic propaganda system, and so the classified mind-control technology continues to be employed. The so-called "human rights organizations" like Amnesty and the ACLU have nothing to say on the matter. They are either controlled by willing collaborators (as are many large visible companies and non-profits) or are outright controlled-opposition front groups. True political dissent does not exist. Those who talk about CIA mind control like Jeremy Radlow are silenced and shut down. Those who dare mention that the income tax in the U.S. violates the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to its Constitution, like Irwin Schiff, are jailed and die in prison. The only political opinions that are safe to have in the new America are those consistent with either the controlled "Republican" or "Democratic" parties. And most people never question that the so-called "left wing" and "right wing" are being flapped by the same bird brain.
That's the textbook definition of "Zersetzung," right there. If you thought the reunification of Germany put an end to all of these Soviet / East German Stasi tactics, you had better think again. Now it's just happening everywhere, but you don't hear about it in the state-controlled press ... and those who complain risk involuntary institutionalization under psychiatric pretenses. Keep watching football and saying your pledge of allegiance, America!
The phrase "book of Job" in the search recorded above is interesting in this context. It is quite common for mind control subjects / Zersetzung targeted individuals to be fed religious-themed explanations for their targeting, such as that "God is testing them" or ideas along those lines (see MC301: Common Disinformation Themes for more on this).
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For behold, the wicked bend the bow,
they make ready their arrow upon the string,
that they may in darkness shoot at the upright in heart. (Psalm 11:2)
[W]henever the Legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience."
John Locke